Christian perfection is operating not by the standards of the world but by the standards of God. St. Paul says the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. Again, to remind us of what Jesus taught us two Sundays ago, as Christians, we are the salt and the light of the world. We are meant to show good examples rather than copy that which is popular.
Read MoreIn the Transfiguration event, Jesus opened the eyes of Peter, James, and John and they were able to see His Glory. The transfiguration goes to show that there is more to reality than what meets the ordinary eye. We need faith to see beyond our present circumstances; to get a full picture of where God is leading us.
Read MoreThe story of the Tower of Babel can be likened to the story of the Titanic. It was said about that great ship that “nothing can sink it, not even God.” In the end, the ship sank. Another way we challenge God is by living in total disregard for God’s commandments. I have heard many who argue that Christianity only exists to put fear in our minds and prevent us from using our brains. This was the exact same thing the serpent said to Eve while tempting her to eat the forbidden fruit.
Read MoreIf you have ever been duped before by a trickster, then you have just experienced a tiny percentage of satan’s deceptive abilities. Satan is a master of disguise; he never shows his true colours, he comes either as a close friend or as a good adviser and sometimes, he even tempts us through those we hold in high esteem. This is exactly what plays out in today’s Gospel passage.
Read MoreBe grateful for life, for small victories, for little progress, for little miracles, for being able to sleep and wake up, and even for the air you breathe. Be grateful for the small things because these “little drops of water” you take for granted are the stuff of the mighty oceans you see.
Read MoreThe story of Noah teaches us one lesson: “If you cannot beat them, do not join them!” In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus basically told us that as Christians, we are called to be Noahs of the world. He said: “You are the salt of the earth… (and) You are the light of the world.” (Matthew 5:13-14). Salt preserves. Noah, by his goodness, preserved the entire world from going extinct. Be good! Be different!
Read MoreAre you angry? Know that you have power over your anger. Just as God advised Cain, we have all it takes to control and master our anger. Be a Master of your emotions. Do not be pushed into action by what you feel, think of the consequences.
Read MoreStriving for Christian perfection surely sounds like foolishness to the world. The world we live in today has lost its moral values. Saying the truth at all times, refusing to tell a lie, staying away from sex before marriage, remaining faithful to your spouse even in tough times, keeping one’s heart pure, forgiving others freely and continuously, and staying away from secret sins may not command the respect of people but these are the characteristics of truly wise people.
Read MoreEvery sin carries a mark of rebellion, a mark of mistrust in God as the one on whom our life depends. That is why for every sin, there is a direct and immediate punishment both for direct offenders as well as those who aid and abet the sin. This is the message behind our first reading today.
Read MoreHaving realized what they had done, Adam and Eve became ashamed and hid away from God. Their eyes had become open and they suddenly felt unworthy of God’s presence, they died to innocence. They could no longer approach God freely as before. God can never lie; He wasn’t joking when He said they would die if they ate of the forbidden tree.
Read MoreAn example of the love that sustains family is what we see in the Gospel passage when a woman was willing to swallow what seemed like an insult just for the sake of the healing of her daughter. She so loved her daughter that she was just not ready to take “No” for an answer. If this kind of love exists in our families, the world would be a much better place.
Read MoreFood is good but not every food is good for you. No matter how hungry you are, ensure that what you are about to eat will not lead to your destruction. Learn to exercise self-discipline and caution. If you want to live a good life, start by selecting your thoughts just as you would select your food. As there are poisonous foods, so there are poisonous thoughts.
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