Don’t Be Afraid of Threats; Do What God Says

Like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, Peter and John were ready to face whatever comes their way in their proclamation of the Good News. Are you still scared of what people can do to you? Are you scared of letting your light shine? Ask yourself – If I am so scared of dying, is it possible to preserve my life for another hundred years?

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Are You Doing What God Wants?

Can you possibly be disobedient to God and still expect to be successful in what you do? Can you abandon your calling in life and still hope to find happiness and fulfillment?

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Every Miracle Should Lead to Repentance

Don’t witness a miracle without taking a moment to ponder on your life and repent. Do not simply laugh or clap and then walk away – do not be like the power of Chorazin or Bethsaida that Jesus was not happy with because they witnessed His miracles but refused to turn from their sins.

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Do You Know What You Have?

If you know what you have, you would not get involved in sin just to make money or provide for your family. You know that you only need to pray like Peter and God will bless the works of your hands and reward your sweat with success. If you know what you have, you wouldn’t be like the two disciples who were walking away from Jerusalem in disappointment. They had thought Jesus came to establish an earthly kingdom, they were expecting political power...

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Save Yourself from This Crooked Generation

Mary Magdalene saw the risen Jesus but she thought he was the gardener. For a moment, she was blind to reality staring her in the face. Jesus visits us daily but we hardly recognize Him. Recall the words of the sixth station of the Cross – “Can you be brave enough to wipe my face? ‘Where is your face?’ you may ask me, and I will answer: ‘In the streets, traffic jams, the remote and dirty villages, wherever suffering exists, my face is there and I look for you to wipe away my blood and tears.”

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Do Not Be Afraid of Proclaiming the Truth

Lies are destructive. Every time we tell a lie, we are taking sides with the devil whose very nature is that of telling lies. No amount of money is worth selling our lips or selling our conscience. No amount of lies can bury the truth. If we continue telling lies, it means we are refusing to rise from the grave with Jesus.

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Christ Is Risen From The Dead: What Next?

If we all chose to return to our old ways after today, if nothing changes about our lives, if we do not start seeking things above rather than engage in the blind pursuit of money, power and pleasure, then all our Lenten observances would have been in vain. If we do not rise from a life of sin, then it would seem that Christ has not risen from the dead and our proclamation would be empty words.

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Repent From Sin; Let Your Light Shine

Like these women who were not expecting to see Jesus alive, many of us are not expecting to rise with Jesus from a life of sin. Many of us here are not expecting we would shine like this Pascal Candle. That notwithstanding, we must go to the tomb in faith not to anoint the dead body of Christ but to become witnesses to the resurrection of Jesus.

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The Way of the Cross is the Way to Life

Because Jesus once took our flesh, Jesus knows exactly what it means to be betrayed, insulted, made to suffer injustice, seriously grieved, lied to, treated with ingratitude, and so on. Through his suffering and death, Jesus has gone through every possible emotion that we go through. This makes Jesus the perfect High Priest as the Book of Hebrews explains

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Follow Jesus’ Example of Humility

Jesus not only humbled himself, but he also taught us the importance of humility by washing the feet of His disciples; a task allotted to slaves in the Jewish culture. “For I have given you an example, that you also should do as I have done to you.” (John 13:15). Let us examine our conscience today. Do I take joy in serving others? Do I feel that I deserve to be worshipped as a result of the position I hold in the church or in civil society?

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Don’t Put a Price on Your Faith

Am I a Christian for the sake of money? Do I pretend to be a member of the Church just because I am looking for a way to gather information about my fellow church members and sell it to kidnappers, cultists, and so on? Dear friends, if someone has to die or lose their reputation so that I make money, such money is blood money and I would never enjoy it. Don’t put a price on your faith.

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Today is Your Last Chance

Nothing is hidden from the eyes of God. If you hide your sin, it will eventually expose you. That which you don’t want people to know will be used to remember you after you have gone. Think about this, today is your last chance; repent, reconsider your evil plans, and retrace your steps.

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