How can we possibly accept the many tribulations that are part of the road to heaven? The only solution is for us to have the kind of Peace which only Jesus can give.
Read MoreIf you have God the Father and God the Son living inside you, will anything be difficult for you? Jesus said: “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in me will also do the works that I do, and greater works than these will he do because I go to the Father.” (John 14:12).
Read MoreJesus wants us to understand that He is not simply a shepherd who answers our questions, He is the very answer to all that bothers us. Jesus is teaching us today that He is not just a shepherd who protects us from danger, He is also the very life that sustains our existence.
Read MoreIn today’s Gospel passage, Jesus says to us twice: “Whatever you ask in my name, I will do it… if you ask anything in my name, I will do it…” By saying “I will do it,” Jesus is telling us that He is both God and mediator at the same time. This is not easy to explain but just know that when we pray to God in Jesus’ name, it doesn’t mean that Jesus is in any way less than God. Jesus is God.
Read MoreEverything must not be perfect before you can give yourself permission to be happy. To worry is to attempt to use your mind to solve your problem; if you keep doing this, you may run out of your mind. Just pray about it, take it off your mind, and let God handle the rest.
Read MoreGod can use anybody. However, like a pencil that must be sharpened in order to write well, we must learn to humble ourselves to become useful instruments in God’s vineyard. Let not your pride become a stumbling block for those who seek to draw close to God.
Read Morewhen it comes to witnessing Jesus Christ, there is no need for anyone to look down on himself. None of the twelve apostles was a perfect human being. For instance, in today’s Gospel passage, Jesus asked Philip: “Have I been with you so long, and yet you do not know me?”
Read MoreThere are some so-called Christians who believe strongly in the power of the gods of African Traditional Religion. Some say that the Christian God is too slow, too lenient, and too forgiving so when they need things done quickly and effectively, they know where to go. If that is what you believe also, just know that you do not belong to Christ.
Read MoreFrom the vision of Peter, we learn to avoid judging people simply based on where they come from. Whereas the bad shepherd, the thief thrives by creating division and sowing seeds of hatred and ethnic rivalry among the sheep, the good shepherd unites all, mends conflicts, and teaches love above anything else.
Read MoreIn our Gospel acclamation today, we hear Jesus say: “I know my own and my own know me.” (John 10:14) Jesus goes further to describe Himself as the Door of the Sheep meaning that it is only through Him that we can find our hearts’ desires and needs. “If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out of pasture.”
Read MoreIt is not possible for us to understand everything about God. Like the Holy Eucharist, there are still so many things about God that remain mysterious to us. No matter how high the temptation may be for you to walk away from God, let us remember that the best is yet to come. God has not changed and will never change a bit. Just hold on. Don’t quit on God.
Read MoreJust as Jesus protected the Christians in Damascus from Saul’s raid, Jesus would surely protect you from the plans of your enemies whether known or unknown. Jesus assures us that whoever eats Him will live because of Him. No one can cut short your life because you are a child of communion – you are not just anybody
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