Lessons From the Presentation of Jesus Christ

If we want our children to grow strong and wise, we must, like Mary and Joseph constantly present them to God. Never neglect to bring your children to church. Let them attend catechism classes. Let them be at Sunday School. It is very important. Do not assume that your children will get to know God or make the right choices in life on their own. Bring them to God. As the book of Proverbs says: “Train children in the right way, and when old, they will not stray.” (Proverbs 22:6)

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God Disciplines Those He Loves

To be a disciple is to be a student or to learn something from one’s teacher and since learning involves pain, it may also be referred to as discipline. As disciples of God, the book of Hebrews today, tells us that there are times God disciplines us not out of hatred but because he wants us to learn. Never regret a day in your life: good days give happiness, bad days give experience, worst days give lessons, and best days give memories.

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Put Aside the Weight of Sin, Fear & Doubt

The easiest way to drop the weights of sin, fear and doubt is to remove yourself from the midst of people who tend to carry these weights. You must put certain persons out of your life; those who constantly lure you into sin, those who inspire fear in you always, those who downplay God or claim He doesn’t exist. Everybody cannot be your friend.

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Faith Does Not Mean There Will Be No Pains

Faith is praying to God for item A and getting item B (the opposite), yet you still find the courage to say “Thank you, God.” Jesus cured a demoniac but in the process, the villagers lost their entire herd of swine. The size of their economic loss was too huge to notice that a man had been set free from demon possession. All they could see was the loss of their source of livelihood. So they begged Jesus to go away.

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Don’t Give Up: There is a Reward for Goodness

Consider yourself blest when you suffer injustice for God’s sake, when people insult you and maltreat you for choosing to stand by what is right, God is on your side. Do you remember Joseph? When he was tempted by Potiphar’s wife and refused to give in to her sexual advances, it seemed as though his world had ended. There is always a bitter price to pay for goodness. However, in the midst of all that may come your way, bear in mind that God never sleeps. The same Joseph that was so unfairly treated would eventually become Prime Minister of Egypt.

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Use Your Faith to Cure Your Fear

The disciples of Jesus had every reason to be afraid because they faced a great storm but instead of declaring faith in God, they expected the worst to happen. They were so frightened that they almost forgot God was physically present with them in the boat. The moment they remembered Jesus, He woke up and rebuked the sea. Never forget that God is with you. No matter what you face, call on God first and keep reminding yourself of what God has done in the past. You may not delete fear from your mind completely but you have to allow your faith overpower that negative voice within you. Use your faith to cure your fear.

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Don’t be discouraged by Little Beginnings

The beginning may be rough, very rough. We may even face great temptations; so great that we may attempt giving up; progress may be slow; people may mock us because they wouldn’t see any change in us. But we should never be discouraged. Keep moving on. One day, that good habit you just began will become part of you and like a shrub that attracts birds of the air, people will come to ask you: “how did you become so successful?”

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Light Needs No Permission to Shine

Timidity and goodness do not go together. If we are truly what we say we are, then acting as though we are ashamed of our identity is a betrayal of our goodness. For instance, some Christians are so shy when they dress properly but they feel extremely comfortable and proud when wearing indecent clothes.

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The Second Chance

As far as you repent today, your past does not matter anymore. Once you drop the old ways, do not go back again. Invite Jesus into your heart and believe in his presence with you always, believe you have the power to overcome sin, the power even to raise back to life those aspects that were dead as a result of bad habits.

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We are the Family of Jesus

Family is blood. When it comes down to nothing for us, the family still remains all we’ve got. You may choose your lovers; you pick your friends but not the family you are in. Yes, friends walk away from your life, and even your closest allies fail you but the family remains to the very end. Even when others betray and deny you, somehow you feel at peace because you know your family got your back. Now imagine what it feels like knowing that Jesus Christ is one of your own family.

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No Divided Kingdom Can Stand

If Satan succeeds because of his internal unity, we the body of Christ should not allow disunity to break us apart. When we are united, it is difficult for anyone to destroy us. Jesus says “No one can enter a strong man’s house and plunder his goods unless he first binds the strong man.” Is it the case that Jesus is referring to Satan as a strong man? Of course, by strength, Jesus is referring to unity. What makes us strong is our unity.

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There is Power in the Word of God

Do you have a Bible? Do you really know how powerful it is? When last did you devote some hours of your day to reading and meditating on God’s word? Could it be that you really do not have the time for God’s word? The truth is that you always have time for anything you consider to be important to you. The word of God is more important than riches, fame, comfort, or anything you can think of. The word of God is life.

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