Truly, when our desire to know God increases in our hearts when we are open to His Word and make efforts to read the Bible, we should bear in mind that such actions do not go unnoticed in heaven. God takes note of every firm resolution we make.
Read MoreDon’t give up on God when the going becomes tough. Those fighting you now may just be pushing you to your destined glory. They may even be making things easy for you indirectly.
Read MoreIt is believed that Mark was among the Seventy that Jesus sent out two by two to go into the surrounding countries in Luke 10: 1-20. And as Luke narrates, the seventy came back rejoicing and declaring how the evil spirits obeyed their bidding. This is the same reality that Mark tries to convey in the concluding part of his Gospel passage which we read today. “And they went forth and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the message by signs that attended it.” (Mark 16:20)
Read MoreBeyond serving meals, Stephen also did great wonders and signs among the people. (Acts 6:8). This did not go down well with some persons who felt that Stephen was doing too much. Out of envy, they sought to bring Stephen down. Whether we like it or not, there are persons like this in the church. They don’t believe anyone other than them should shine.
Read MoreWhether we like it or not, there would be moments of suffering in our lives, there would be tough times, and there would be moments of confusion and disappointment. We may even find ourselves praying like Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane: “Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass me by.”
Read MoreKnow this, no matter what your fears may be, never neglect Prayer and Bible Study. You may have to get down to work but no matter how much work you do, never assume you are busier than God. He knows what you are going through and He is more than capable of rescuing you.
Read MoreVery often, we complain about our unanswered prayers forgetting that most of the time, God provides the things we need without us asking. These are blessings we take for granted.
Read MoreJust as darkness hates the light, so do the people of the world hate the children of God but we cannot afford to be quiet or compromise. We must always remember the fact that we do not belong to this world, that is, we must be prepared to die for the sake of God.
Read MoreWhen we try to let our shine, let us not assume people will love us. When we dedicate our social media accounts to purely spreading the Gospel of Christ, let us not expect to gain many followers. Instead, let us expect attacks of all sorts. But we must remember one thing: THE BATTLE BELONGS TO GOD.
Read MoreOur first reading today is a reminder to us that the greatest of all of God’s commandments is to love our neighbours as ourselves. Love cancels our selfishness. Love melts our hearts to live not just for ourselves but for others. Love opens our eyes to see the sufferings of others and touches our heart to offer solutions.
Read Morehe principle at work back then was: “When one member suffers, all suffer with him or her.” Does this principle still operate in our churches today? Do we still gather to pray for ourselves? Or have we become too busy to pray? Do we still have faith in the power of prayers?
Read MoreBe an agent of Divine Mercy; show love to that brother or sister that is genuinely in need. God blessed you not to “pepper others” (show them that you have arrived) but to be a blessing to others. that which you have in excess belongs to the hungry, the less privileged, the hopeless, etc.
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