The Pope is a manager and a steward of God’s flock, and every ordained minister is a servant of the souls entrusted to their care. Hence, our responsorial psalm today reminds us that “The Lord (not the Pope) is our shepherd.” Having reposed such enormous power on St. Peter (and his subsequent successors), Jesus, knowing that Popes will be prone to human weakness, added: “And the gates of hell will never prevail against the Church.”
Read MoreWe all desire an easy life, but the truth is that “ease is a greater threat to progress than hardship.” Do not be afraid of embracing hardship, especially when it aims to achieve something good. Do not shy away from the cross. If you are ashamed to identify with Jesus in this world, Jesus would be ashamed of you in heaven. If you desire to true bliss tomorrow, embrace suffering today. The choice is yours to make, whether to follow the beatitudes or to disregard God and face the consequences.
Read MoreIs it possible for satan to speak through a man of God? Yes. The question is not whether it can happen but whether you will be able to sift between the voice of the person and the voice of the devil. This is why we all need to pray for the gift of discernment (the ability to distinguish between spirits).
Read MoreEven though most of the people who approached Jesus for healing got instantaneous healing, this man’s case just happened to be different. I believe this particular story is in the Bible so that we would know that sometimes, God could choose to work things out for us in stages. Yes, there are times we get instant answers, but could it be the case that right now, God may be blessing you little by little without you even noticing it?
Read MoreTrust in God. Do not be distracted by your poverty and lack. Do not worry about your empty stomach or your empty store. Seek God’s kingdom and righteousness first; God will provide abundant bread when needed. (Cf. Matthew 6:33). Let it not be that you participated in evil because you were hungry. God will be so disappointed. Trust that God will provide your needs; pursue righteousness. Dare to be different like Noah.
Read MoreBe a master of your emotions. Do not be pushed into action by your feelings; think of the consequences. You will always regret any decision made in anger. Instead of listening to God, Cain chose evil. After killing his brother, Cain wished he could turn back the hands of time. When God asked about his brother, Cain tried to dodge the question by asking if he was his brother’s keeper. In the end, Cain could not escape his punishment for murder. There is nothing to be gained from sin.
Read MoreTo emphasise the importance of trusting only in God, Jeremiah says in today’s First Reading, “Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his arm, whose heart turns away from God.” Today’s Responsorial Psalm also echoes: “Blessed is the man who has placed his trust in the Lord.” In today’s Second Reading, St. Paul mentions another reason to trust God: Jesus kept His promise about rising from the dead. God never promises and fails. Since Jesus rose from the dead, we know that the promises of the Beatitudes are genuine. If we are persecuted for righteousness (if we weep now), our reward will be great in heaven.
Read MoreEvery sin carries a mark of rebellion and mistrust in God as the one on whom our life depends. That is why there is a direct and immediate punishment for every sin for direct offenders and those who aid and abet the sin. This is the message behind our First Reading
Read MoreIn every temptation, Satan tries to disprove what God has said; he makes us doubt God, and then he goes further to make us believe that there is something we stand to gain by disobeying God’s instructions, such as the pleasure we hope to get, the excitement of it all, the fun it promises, the hope of becoming richer, more beautiful, more powerful, and connected, and so on. When we listen to the devil, we start seeing God’s commandments as restrictions rather than as keys to our happiness and fulfilment.
Read MoreGod inspired both creation accounts; they are not journalists’ reports of creation. Far from revealing the details of “how” the world was made, they both seek to tell “why” the world was created. Some questions answered by the second creation account include: “Why are males sexually attracted to females? Why does marriage exist in all human societies? Why does the human family exist? Why do parents have such strong love for their children?”
Read MoreJesus teaches us that God is not so much offended by our failure to wash our hands before eating as He is by the thoughts we carry in our hearts. If we eat with dirty hands, we might fall sick (or even die because of germs), but this is not as bad as suffering eternal damnation in hellfire as a result of the dirt we have inside our hearts.
Read MoreHaving been created in God’s image and likeness, only God knows how best we ought to live. Hence, He gave us the manual of life, the commandments. These instructions are not restrictions on our freedom but the key to enjoying life to the fullest. We must, therefore, trust God and follow his commandments rather than mere human traditions. God cannot be deceived; He knows when we pay lip service to His commandments.
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