Any Society Without Respect for Laws is Doomed

“Whoever then relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but he who does them and teaches them shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.” Remember, you are the earth’s light and the world’s salt.

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Great Things Happen when we Say “YES” to God

Why did God send an Angel to Mary? St. Augustine answered: “God created us without our consent, but He will not save us without our consent.” We always have a choice to say “Yes” or “No” to God’s plans for our lives. Great Things Happen When We Say Yes to God: God wants to do great and wonderful things through you, but He needs you to say ‘Yes’ like Mary.

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The Bitter Truth Will Set You Free

When the truth hits us hard, we immediately resist it because it opposes what we are used to; it challenges our pride and sense of security. Like the audience in today’s Gospel passage, we may assume we are being insulted if we don’t reflect on it. Avoid praise singers; they are like that rat that blows air on its victim before feasting on its flesh.

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The Anguish of the Elder Brother

No matter what your past has been, as Micah says today, God will forgive your sin (Cf. Micah 7:18-20). The only time God will not forgive is when we refuse to ask for forgiveness. This is known as despair (the belief that God cannot forgive).

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No One is Without Gifts; Repent from Envy

Many believe they would rise by destroying others. Remember that the razor blade and the axe can cut, but while the razor cannot cut trees, the axe cannot shave. We would do a great disservice to God if we fought each other because of their gifts. Count your blessings, develop your gifts, and work on yourself. Stop comparing yourself with anyone else; compete only with yourself. Seek to become a better version of yourself each day.

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Repent: Listen to Lazarus

The rich man did not go to hell because he was rich; neither did Lazarus enter heaven solely based on his poverty. Just as there are many wealthy people in heaven, there are many who died wretched and are in hell. I may be poor materially, but if my heart is corrupt and evil (turned away from God), I cannot enter heaven.

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St. Joseph: Model of Fatherhood

St. Joseph is a kind of Abraham; he believed the Angel’s message. Through St. Joseph’s marriage to Mary, Nathan’s prophecy in today’s First Reading came to pass. Jesus is that offspring from David’s house, whose throne is established forever. This teaches us never to doubt God. Indeed, as the Angel said to Mary, “With God, nothing is impossible.”

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Repent! Every Sin is a Disaster

If asking has to do with praying, seeking involves making efforts. Yes, God is interested in the efforts you are making. The man who planted the fig tree did not see any fruits for three years, so he asked the vinedresser to cut it down. The vinedresser pleaded for more time to INCREASE HIS EFFORTS; that is, to dig around it, apply manure and water it more. What efforts are you making? Before you conclude that you cannot live above sin, why not increase your efforts? Why not dig around your heart and apply the manure of the word of God? The worst thing that can ever happen to you is to trivialise sin, painting it as “normal”. Every sin is a disaster.

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Live Righteously Regardless of Scandals

The scribes and Pharisees were more concerned about their appearance than their holiness. They invested heavily in looking good but remained ugly in God’s sight. They took seats of honour at banquets but remained unworthy of the eternal banquet. They sat in the front rows of the synagogue, but without oil in their lamps, they were destined to stay outside like the foolish virgins. (cf. Matthew 25:1-13). They enjoyed the respect of men but had no integrity in God’s sight; they didn’t deserve the titles they gave themselves.

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Employ Your Gifts For One Another

St. Patrick, the beloved patron saint of Ireland, was originally from Roman Britain. When he was fourteen, Irish pirates captured him and took him to Ireland as a slave. His strong faith provided comfort and hope during his six years in captivity. A divine dream inspired Patrick to escape, and he eventually returned to Britain and reunited with his family. Patrick became a priest and was later ordained as a bishop. He was driven to bring Christianity to Ireland, arriving in Slane on March 25, 433.

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After the Cross Comes the Crown

Do not be discouraged by the weight of the crosses you carry in your Christian journey. Consider the Transfiguration as an encouragement from above. God is watching you. Moses, Elijah and all the prophets and saints who have walked this path are watching you. We prayed in the Stations of the Cross: “Difficulties remain difficult Lord, but I will not run away from them.” In the words of St. Paul “For I consider the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing to the glory that is to be revealed in us” (Rom 8:18).

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The Anatomy of Godly Perfection

Jesus described Godly perfection as loving our enemies, praying for our persecutors, letting our rain (kindness) and sun (warmth) fall on our friends and foes, and greeting unfriendly persons. Godly perfection is to return blessings for curses, food items for stones, and good deeds for harsh treatment.

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