Leadership is not easy, but there is a secret to being successful at it: PRAYER. As a man, Moses was very weak; he lacked physical strength, having passed his young age. He was a meek person. He couldn’t speak coherently and confidently (hence the need for Aaron). The success of his leadership prowess came from his constant meetings with God.
Read MoreIn our Gospel passage, Jesus describes the kingdom of God as a mustard seed that appears to be the smallest of all seeds but eventually becomes the biggest of all shrubs. A good character begins with little habitual acts. To become the person of your dreams, you have to start with very few acts of goodness and holiness. Whatever good we do, this day is like a seed that eventually grows, shaping us into saints in the future.
Read MoreWhy has life been tough for you lately? Do you think God no longer cares about you? Are you thinking of joining a cult or doing something illegal or immoral? Think again. God still cares about you. Make the right choice today – put God first, and you will never regret it.
Read MoreToday we celebrate three Saints: Mary, Martha and Lazarus, siblings of the same family and friends of Jesus Christ. One day, Lazarus was sick. Mary and Martha sent for Jesus, but He did not show up. In pain and disappointment, Mary and Martha buried Lazarus. It is difficult to speak of faith when faced with serious challenges, when prayers are unanswered or when tragedies strike.
Read MoreOur Responsorial Psalm today sings: “The Law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul; the decree of the Lord is trustworthy, giving wisdom to the simple. The precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; the command of the Lord is clear, enlightening the eye… They are more precious than gold than a heap of purest gold.”
Read MoreIn today’s first reading, God instructs the people of Israel to consecrate themselves and wash their garments to prepare to behold His face. This experience sends a strong message: To meet God, one must prepare by cleansing oneself internally (of sins) and externally (of dirt). In other words, meeting God demands being in a State of Grace.
Read MoreApplying today’s Gospel passage to the concept of parenthood, we can interpret the parable of the sower in this way: The soil represents the parents. While some parents provide a nurturing ground for their children to blossom, others are like rocky, thorny or roadside paths. Not minding the “nature-nurture argument”, we can never underestimate the importance of proper upbringing.
Read MoreTo what extent do I desire heaven? Am I prepared to drink the cup? Am I prepared to deny myself, take up my daily crosses and follow the footsteps of Jesus? On the other hand, am I only concerned about my daily bread? Am I only interested in what I can get from Jesus right now? St. James teaches us to make heaven our priority.
Read MoreThe real impact of slavery is not so much the physical wounds inflicted on people but the psychological destruction it brings within a person. The slave begins to think of himself in such low terms that he craves for and worships his master. This is the stage of surrender! In the presence of his master, he is overcome by fear. This type of fear gripped the Israelites in the presence of Pharaoh. They even asked Moses, “Where there no better tombs in Egypt that you brought us out here to die?”
Read MoreGod is patient, but we must not take His patience for granted. Jesus wasn’t speaking in parables when he spoke about the furnace of fire where men will weep and gnash their teeth. Jesus mentioned this “furnace of fire” while explaining the wheat and weeds parable. There comes a time when the reapers will enter the farm and gather the weeds; then, it will be too late. Repent now while it is possible.
Read MoreThere is a saying: “You will know how much you are loved when you consider how quickly people forget you after your death.” Mary Magdalene wasn’t going to forget Jesus in a hurry. When she recognised Jesus, she used a personal name for Jesus, “Rabonni!” which means “Teacher”. We should all ask ourselves: “Do I have such a personal relationship with Jesus?” “Am I a friend or simply a client?
Read MoreThere is an extent to which our worship of God becomes reduced to the mere observation of rules. This was the problem of the Pharisees. It is like building a mansion and employing a housekeeper. One day, you travel to a distant place and instruct your housekeeper: “Do not let anyone enter this house.” A rule the housekeeper was determined to keep. Upon your return, your housekeeper would not allow you to enter your house because of your instruction.
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