Every sin in society today started with just one person. In the same way, our world would be better if we let our light shine if we play our role as salt of the earth. Just as only a little salt is enough to make food sweet, a handful of good people can transform our society. Be good, not just for your sake, but for others.
Read MoreTo be covetous is to live in a world of “I”, “me”, and “myself”; a world where I care only for one person – me. To be covetous is to be like the rich man in the parable Jesus gave us in today’s Gospel passage, who thought only about himself in his plan to enjoy his riches.
Read MoreThe best sermons are not preached not with words but with actions. When we behave like Christ, words are no longer necessary. The scandal of Christianity today is that Christians no longer behave like those believers in Antioch who were first called Christians. In Antioch, the believers were of one heart and soul; love was the watchword.
Read MoreWhen your life proclaims God, you have nothing to fear, as Jesus promises us: “When they bring you before synagogues and the rulers and the authorities, do not be anxious how or what you are to answer or what you are to say; for the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say.” (Luke 12:11-12). God lives with and in those whose lives proclaim His existence.
Read MoreWhy is it easy to exercise restraint when others are watching, yet when we are alone (or think no one is watching), we throw caution to the wind? This was the problem of scribes and Pharisees. Jesus told them: “Nothing is hidden that would not be uncovered… even the hairs of your head are all numbered.” Are there things I do in secret that I am ashamed of?
Read MoreBy saying that “all have sinned,” St. Paul is not saying we should glory in our sinfulness. He emphasises that we must avoid boasting, feeling superior to others, and looking down on others. “Are we any better off?” St. Paul asks, “No, not at all; for we have already charged that all, both Jews and Greeks, are under the power of sin.” (Romans 3:9).
Read MoreAs a doctor, Luke cured their diseases and illnesses but was also concerned about their spiritual lives. As an Evangelist, he fed their souls with God’s word. As a writer, he left us a Gospel as well as the acts of the twelve apostles. Are you a convert to the Faith? Be inspired by St. Luke. Regardless of your profession, let your light shine!
Read MoreImmorality and evil in our world today directly reflect the fact that people no longer believe God exists. It is foolish to say God does not exist. It is even greater foolishness to disobey God’s commandments, to live as though there is no authority guiding your life.
Read MoreThe crowd asked Jesus for a sign, but Jesus called them an evil generation. Why? It is evil to put God to the test. It is evil to ask God to prove Himself. If you trust God, you will not demand for signs. Jesus said: “For as Jonah became a sign to the men of Nineveh, so will the Son of man be to this generation.” (Luke 11:29-30). The death and resurrection of Jesus is the ultimate miracle. If this sign does not convince you, nothing else can convince us.
Read MoreWhy would tenants be bold enough to kill the servants sent to collect their rent? Why would guests turn around to kill the servants sent to remind them of the banquet? These parables highlight injustice and wickedness in people's hearts, yet Jesus is speaking directly to us in them because we are those tenants; we are the guests. This brings us to our lessons for today.
Read MoreWhen the woman in today’s Gospel passage praised Mary, Jesus did not refute her speech. It is absurd to imagine that God is jealous when we praise Mary. What kind of a child am I if I take offence at those who praise my mother? However, Jesus used the occasion to convey a very important message: “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it!” (Luke 11:28).
Read MoreDo not be deceived into thinking that demons do not exist. It is foolish to deny the power and workings of demons. However, there is no need to fear them when we know that “He that is in us is greater than he that is in the world.” (Cf. 1 John 4:4).
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