His disciples asked Jesus: “If such is the case of a man with his wife, is it not better to remain unmarried?” (Matthew 19:10). Jesus said: “Not all men can receive this saying, but only those to whom it is given.” (Matthew 19:11). In other words, celibacy is not for everyone. One who is not called to a celibate life but embraces it to escape the rigours of marriage would end up frustrated. Achieving a happy marriage is difficult, but being a faithful celibate is more difficult without the grace of celibacy.
Read MoreIf proper statistics are taken, it would reveal that the answer to this question for most of us is zero. We do not even bother to count. When we feel offended, we rush to retaliate, end the relationship (business agreement, marriage, contract etc.) or bottle everything up – waiting for the right time to strike back.
Read MoreSome persons may be offended but refuse to let their offenders know. Pretending to smile with someone while carrying bitterness in your heart against them is dangerous and unchristian. No wonder Jesus says we must ensure you reconcile with those who have something against you before presenting your gift. If you are unhappy with me, let me know so I can be more careful and not worsen the injury.
Read MoreFinally the Immaculate Virgin, preserved free from all stain of original sin, when the course of her earthly life was finished, was taken up body and soul into heavenly glory, and exalted by the Lord as Queen over all things so that she might be the more fully conformed to her Son, the Lord of lords and conqueror of sin and death.
Read MoreThis attitude of Jesus teaches us a great lesson: Even if we are right, there is no need to offend anyone. It is not enough to do what is right; we must refrain from sending the wrong message to those who may need help understanding us. Like Jesus, who presented himself for baptism even though he was sinless, we must strive to fulfil all righteousness. Hence, even though we do not belong to this world, we cannot evade the payment of taxes.
Read MoreAre you lost at sea, unable to know where to turn? Has life been very harsh to you like it was with Elijah, who found himself fleeing from Jezebel in today’s First Reading? Has your faith in God begun to wane due to the troubles all around you? Today’s message is just for you.
Read MoreDo you desire the faith that can move mountains? Then change the tone of your self-talk. Speak positively to yourself even if you don’t believe what you are saying; keep saying beautiful things until you start believing them. Count your blessings. Celebrate your victories. Be grateful for little positive steps. Do not dwell on negativity.
Read MoreCarrying the cross entails embracing the difficult aspects of our Christian faith, such as: loving our enemies, forgiving hurts easily, and upholding strong moral values such as faithfulness to one’s marital vows, purity of heart, honesty, kindness, etc. In a world that further immerses itself in darkness, keeping God’s commandments faithfully is a huge cross. Nevertheless, this is our calling.
Read MoreSt. Lawrence did not simply give to the poor; his giving was at the risk of his own life. Jesus says that unless a grain of wheat falls and dies, it remains alone but bears much fruit after it dies. It is always painful whenever we make sacrifices for God’s sake, but we must remember that our pain, like the death of the seed buried under the ground, will yield a great harvest. Let us learn from Lawrence the need to be charitable and the willingness to let go of our life to have a better life in heaven.
Read MoreCaleb and Joshua acknowledged their difficulty, but they also saw their potential, they saw the giants, but they knew God was greater than these giants. They were not afraid because they had a strong faith in God. When you encounter a serious problem, you can know whether or not you have faith, whether you will move forward like Caleb and Joshua, or sit down to cry your brains out like the Israelites.
Read MoreThe Eighth Commandment forbids bearing false witness against others. Even more, the scriptures say: “Touch not my anointed ones, do my prophets no harm!” (1 Chronicles 16:22). We respect our spiritual leaders not because of who they are but because of the office they occupy.
Read MoreRegardless of how wealthy a person may be, their wealth means nothing to them as long as they lack contentment. The true definition of poverty is not how little one has but one’s degree of contentment. You are rich as long as you are content with what you have and can count your blessings.
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