o matter what may be the situation in your family right now, bear this in mind: first, there is no such thing as a perfect family out there just as there is no perfect human being. So stop comparing your family to another. Secondly, no matter how bad things are right now, you can still change them. Revive the daily family prayer, reawaken love for one another, bring family to church and church to family, apply discipline by first showing good examples. Sing: “My lifetime… my family… I give God my family….”
Read MoreWhen you feel scared at any time, take it as a reminder to find a quiet corner and say a prayer to God. Remind Him that He promised to help, then visualize a positive outcome. Hold on as strongly as you can to this new outcome and watch God bring it to pass. Let your Faith counter your Fears.
Read MoreLike this man, God wants to heal you this advent. Begin by going for confession.
Read MoreThe natural outcome of proper preparation for Christmas following these four steps above is joy. Prepare a way for Jesus in your heart, cover up the valleys, bring down the mountains, straighten the crooked lines and there is no way you will not be happy. Only a heart that truly receives Christ understands what it means to be happy.
Read MoreEven to this day, God is looking for people who will be willing instruments of His blessings to people. The joy, healing, liberation, and happiness you seek from God will not come in a vacuum, it will come through people. The question is whether you are also willing to become an instrument of God’s healing power and mercies to others.
Read MoreJust as Andrew introduced Peter to Jesus, the Feast of St. Andrew introduces the Church to the season of Advent. St. Paul in today’s first reading says: “How beautiful are the feet of one who brings Good News.”
Read MoreGod is a king that can never be destroyed. He is greater than anything we can ever imagine or think of. He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning, and the end the one who made us and sustains our life. As Jesus assures us today, “Heaven and earth may pass away but my words will not pass away.”
Read MoreRight there on the cross, Jesus said: “Father, forgive them for they know not what they are doing.” (Luke 23:34). When people reject you, it does not mean you are worthless, it simply means they are ignorant of your worth. Excuse them and move on.
Read MoreJust as the people looked up at the serpent for healing, so also we look up at the Cross of Jesus for healing.
Read MoreThe Centurion wanted Jesus to simply utter a word. He knew that distance was not a barrier. Indeed, the centurion knew that Jesus is the commander in charge of the universe.
Read MoreWhat makes a Christian different from any other human being on earth? Jesus Christ says: ‘Love your enemies.’ You are not better than any sinner if you only love those who love you.
Read MoreMary is not a goddess, she is a woman whose life serves as an inspiration for anyone who wants to follow God. She is a human example of what it means to be a Christian. Say ‘Yes’ to God. Let God have His way in your life and generations to come will honour you.
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