When the Student is Ready, the Teacher Appears.

All we have to do is to say “Yes” to God like the Ethiopian Eunuch who gladly accepted Philip into his chariot. In fact, his “Yes” to God began with his decision to read the Bible that day. The Ethiopian Eunuch was ready for God and God actually showed up.

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Set on Fire for the Gospel

Anytime we reflect on the earliest Christian communities as we have it in the Acts of Apostles, we cannot but feel sad at the situation of things in our churches today.

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Just When It Was Time To Revenge, See What Jesus Did

Jesus had the chance to totally squash to pieces all those who treated him badly yet, He did not even wait to rise from the dead before He began his campaign of forgiveness. Right on the cross, Jesus said: “Forgive them Father for they know not what they do.” (Luke 23:34). As if this was not enough, eight days after Easter Sunday, Jesus appeared to his disciples saying: “If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.”

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How to Respond in Moments of Adversity.

Jesus had the power to call down fire to burn down those who were exchanging words with Him but he simply “escaped from their hands and went away across the Jordan.” Jesus did not use the power he had to fight back his enemies. Secondly, Jesus reminded them of the good he had done for them in the past.

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Bring Jesus Home, call Him in Moments of Sickness

Somehow, we tend to shut Jesus out of our homes, we refuse to allow him to enter our space. The moment we leave the church premises and return home, we pull off our Christianity along with our Church attire and change into something else; we begin to behave like strangers to the faith.

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Even the Devil Knows Who is who

Yes the devil has power but you are stronger because He that is in you is greater than he that is in the world. (1st John 4:4). Just don’t try to eat your cake and have it because the devil knows those who are for him and those who are truly against him. As the saying goes: “If you are not fighting against the devil, you are probably working for him.”

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Has Your Heart Become Hardened?

It is bad enough that despite our efforts, we still fall but nothing can be more terrible than our refusal to get back on our feet when we fall.

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Why Does God allow Suffering in Our lives?

If God permits suffering in your life, it is not out of hatred or punishment, it is because He knows that something good can come out it. Don’t have this attitude of complaint or bitterness against God, do not seek to revenge (lest you open your mind for the devil to feed you with all kinds of evil thoughts). Just look at the unique opportunities your situation is offering to you.

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Jesus Christ, Our Shepherd, Priest and King.

If you consider Jesus as your King, then live as His subject. If you consider Jesus as your Shepherd, live like His sheep; follow His instructions with a childlike trust. If you consider Jesus as your priest, then surrender completely to Him.

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Use Your Talents for God’s Kingdom.

An idle mind coupled with an absence of work is the devil’s workshop. Jesus will come again but while we expect Him, we must not forget that He wants to find us busy when He comes. Do you realize that even while Jesus was alive, people were already expecting the world to end? Our focus should be on how we must use the talents, gifts and opportunities available to us.

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Jesus is Knocking; He Wants to Eat with You

When we desire to see Jesus, there is always going to be an obstacle; a stumbling block or a set-back. Zacchaeus’ obstacle was his height. Just see how he used the sycamore tree to solve this problem. What is your obstacle; your weakness or your limitation? What efforts are you making to remove whatever is preventing you from full communion with Jesus?

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Have I Grown Cold Spiritually?

Like the blind man who called out to Jesus vehemently, let us go on our knees to beg for restoration. Let us not allow anyone to distract us or prevent us from calling on Jesus. Let us pray that our eyes would be open again. Let us pray that we may return to our first love.

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