Do not rush in prayer. First, recollect yourself, then place yourself in the presence of God and remember that God is first your Father. This is why Jesus begins with the words: “Our Father who art in heaven.” Jesus presents an important principle of life: You cannot take without giving. Prayer is not just about asking, it also involves doing. Jesus makes clear the point: “If you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.”
Read MoreLearn to see the face of Jesus in the suffering. Help people not simply because you seek to be compensated but because you realize it is Jesus you are helping. Whatever you give to the poor may not come back now but it becomes a great treasure stored in heaven where no thief can break in and steal nor rust destroys. (Matthew 6:19-20)
Read MoreI like how Matthew concludes today’s Gospel passage: “Then the devil left him, and behold, angels, came and ministered to him.” There is nothing as sweet as overcoming temptation. Each time we defeat the devil, we are visited by Angels and the consolation they bring always far outweighs whatever fun or pleasure the devil had promised us if we sin. Meanwhile, if we agree to the lies of the devil, we soon realize within a short time, like Adam and Eve did that we were deceived.
Read MoreChristian perfection is operating not by the standards of the world but by the standards of God. St. Paul says the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. Again, to remind us of what Jesus taught us two Sundays ago, as Christians, we are the salt and the light of the world. We are meant to show good examples rather than copy that which is popular.
Read MoreIn the Transfiguration event, Jesus opened the eyes of Peter, James, and John and they were able to see His Glory. The transfiguration goes to show that there is more to reality than what meets the ordinary eye. We need faith to see beyond our present circumstances; to get a full picture of where God is leading us.
Read MoreStriving for Christian perfection surely sounds like foolishness to the world. The world we live in today has lost its moral values. Saying the truth at all times, refusing to tell a lie, staying away from sex before marriage, remaining faithful to your spouse even in tough times, keeping one’s heart pure, forgiving others freely and continuously, and staying away from secret sins may not command the respect of people but these are the characteristics of truly wise people.
Read MoreEvery sin carries a mark of rebellion, a mark of mistrust in God as the one on whom our life depends. That is why for every sin, there is a direct and immediate punishment both for direct offenders as well as those who aid and abet the sin. This is the message behind our first reading today.
Read MoreFood is good but not every food is good for you. No matter how hungry you are, ensure that what you are about to eat will not lead to your destruction. Learn to exercise self-discipline and caution. If you want to live a good life, start by selecting your thoughts just as you would select your food. As there are poisonous foods, so there are poisonous thoughts.
Read MoreJust as many made efforts to get to Jesus for healing, we need to make every effort to get to God, obey his word, and live according to the original purpose of our creation in other to find wholeness and life. The more we try to touch Jesus, the more we allow the light of Christ to shine through us, the closer we get to healing and the closer we get to our original goodness.
Read MoreAs we pray for our leaders who are not compassionate, let us also be willing to prepare ourselves to take up such leadership positions. Prayer is essential but we cannot afford to stop only at prayer. We must take action. If you think those at the helm of affairs today have failed, then you who still fear God and love the people must take an active part in replacing them. Begin by ensuring you vote your conscience, let your voice be heard, and even after the elections, do not just fold your hands.
Read MoreIf we want our children to grow strong and wise, we must, like Mary and Joseph constantly present them to God. Never neglect to bring your children to church. Let them attend catechism classes. Let them be at Sunday School. It is very important. Do not assume that your children will get to know God or make the right choices in life on their own. Bring them to God. As the book of Proverbs says: “Train children in the right way, and when old, they will not stray.” (Proverbs 22:6)
Read MoreTo be a disciple is to be a student or to learn something from one’s teacher and since learning involves pain, it may also be referred to as discipline. As disciples of God, the book of Hebrews today, tells us that there are times God disciplines us not out of hatred but because he wants us to learn. Never regret a day in your life: good days give happiness, bad days give experience, worst days give lessons, and best days give memories.
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