Am I a religious leader who does not practice what he or she is preaching? Do I have skeletons in my cupboard? Am I doing God’s work just for the fame and material benefits? Am I living out the life that my title connotes? These are very important questions for our self-examination today. Jesus said: “whoever exalts himself will be humbled but whoever humbles himself will be exalted.” (Matthew 23:11-12)
Read MoreYou may spend huge sums of money educating your children but if you fail to nourish them spiritually or fail to teach them how to pray, you could end up deforming them. It is sad to note that some parents go as far as offering bribes just so that their children can receive baptism and other sacraments without going through the rigors of catechism class. Whether we like it or not, a bulk of our problems in Africa arise as a result of the absence of morality among our populace. We have lost a sense of what is right and wrong. Our leaders do not think is it wrong to steal or divert funds meant for development. People are respected today not according to their contribution to society but according to the size of their pockets.
Read MoreAre you thinking of an investment that is sure to pay you huge dividends? An investment that would continue to take care of you at old age when you can no longer work? Or would you rather invest in something that is capable of taking care of you after your death and forever? Invest in eternity. The good news is that this investment does not require money – it is as easy as following Jesus.
Read MoreIf your conscience is clear, you have no reason whatsoever to be living in fear. If it is not your time, nothing, nothing in heaven or on earth can kill you. You will walk on water and you will not sink. You will pass through fire and it will be cold. Your enemies will set different traps for you and you will scale through like breeze. Fear Not.
Read MoreGod keeps us alive despite our sinfulness not because He condones sin but just so that we may have the opportunity to repent. We serve a merciful God – let us extend this mercy to our brothers and sisters; especially those who offend us or are still living in the darkness of sin.
Read MoreThe Prophet Isaiah asks in our first reading today, “can the ax exult itself over the one who uses it?” or “will the saw consider itself greater than the man who cuts with it?” Indeed, pride goes before a fall. We are nothing but mere instruments in the hands of God. Without humility, we cannot understand the mysteries of the kingdom of God.
Read MoreDo you firmly believe that with prayers, we can solve the problem of insecurity bedeviling our nation? If you do, then you are among the very few still following the narrow path of salvation that Jesus spoke about in today’s Gospel passage. Sure, it is not easy to be different in a world like ours. It is not easy to genuinely let your light shine in a world so full of darkness. As Jesus would say: “the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to salvation.” Don’t get tired of the difficulties you are facing in your walk with Jesus. It was never meant to be a smooth ride. Do not give up.
Read MoreJesus has given us His own flesh and blood, it is because He knows that as our bodies need food to survive, our souls also need the Eucharist to survive. The more we strive to receive Jesus in the Eucharist, the more we strive to live a sinless life and the more we receive Jesus, the more we become strengthened with more grace and power to be holier Christians. Do not stay away from communion, it is your ticket to eternal life.
Read MoreJesus shows us that even the very life we live is part of our prayer. After praying the words, we must follow our prayers with actions. If we refuse to forgive those who sin against us, then our pleas for God’s forgiveness are not complete.
Read MoreAre you having trouble controlling your sexual appetite? Do you find yourself falling into the sin of adultery by thoughts, words, or actions? Are you struggling with fornication, masturbation, and unchastity in one form or another? Jesus has the solution for you: Start from the root - “If your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and throw it away.” (Matthew 5:29). In other words, start by uprooting your bad thoughts and unholy desires. Do not leave any room for lustful wishes. When you look at a person, let their beauty remind you of the beauty and perfection of God.
Read MoreIn as much as we are to encourage others to be holy and faithful in their Christian lives, we should never forget that holiness is not measured in comparison with others but how we measure up to the personal will of God for our lives. If a fish forgets his own purpose and attempts to start climbing trees that fish would not survive for long.
Read MoreToday should be a day of joy for us, a day to celebrate the final victory of life over death, a day to celebrate our firm assurance that heaven exists, that just as Christ ascended to heaven, we too shall one day depart this earth and be united with God in heaven. Luke concludes by saying: “The disciples returned to Jerusalem with great joy and were continually in the temple blessing God.” The disciples entered a mood of prayer in preparation for the descent of the Holy Spirit. This is exactly what we must now do as we await the Comforter, the Paraclete, the Holy Ghost from heaven.
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