“No one can receive anything except what is given him from heaven.” (John 3:27). How often do we remember this? How often do we ministers of God remember that we must decrease and allow God to increase in the hearts of our flock? How easy it is to hear terms such as: “My ministry, my altar, my church”, “I am in charge here.” etc.
Read MoreRight from the time of King David, God already had the coming of Jesus Christ in mind. When we really consider the promise made to David, (that his throne shall be established forever), we cannot but agree that this promise was only fulfilled in Jesus Christ. The question is: “What is it about David that made him so pleasing to God?” The answer is our first lesson for today: Humility.
Read MoreIf God could “forget” His greatness for my sake, why can’t I learn to bring myself down, why can’t I humble myself as a child in my dealings with others? Pride is really a blinding sickness. Not only does it make you blind to the greatness of God, pride makes you believe you are God.
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