Pride is like being drunk with wine. In that state of drunkenness, we always assume all is well, even when our house is burning.
Read MoreIt is funny how we expect from others the very things we do not have. It is funny how we crucify others and ridicule them publicly for crimes that we do in secret.
Read MoreLike Moses, within every one of us, there is a burning passion; something you really want to do. Do not rush into it relying solely on your strengths, let your burning passion lead you to your burning bush – that is, begin by consulting God.
Read MoreWhile the leper believed that God was capable of doing anything, Abraham fell on his face and laughed when God told him that his wife Sarai would have a child.
Read MoreAnd the secret of life is this: when you help someone carry his cross, yours become lighter. If you think life is hard, look around you and you will see those dreaming to be given twice of your problems in exchange for theirs. Be like Mary, reach out, visit, help, don’t be self-centred.
Read MoreSince truth is bitter, whenever we are told the truth, it tends to sound like an insult to us. No one is perfect. You are not always as good as you like to assume. Be humble, be willing to learn.
Read More: “Whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be slave of all.” The key to greatness is to serve others.
Read MoreSo, how do we win quality souls for God’s kingdom? Our three readings today speak in favour of love; loving without discrimination, loving our enemies and loving others just as Jesus loved us.
Read MoreA servant can never be greater than the Master. Let us shun every form of pride. Let us avoid taking the glory during “testimony time.” It is God who has done it, we only joined the person to pray, we are not the cause of the miracle and we dare not boast about it. Jesus says: “So you also, when you have done all that is commanded you, say, ‘We are unworthy servants; we have only done what was our duty.’” (Luke 17:10).
Read MoreNever fall into the temptation of taking the easy path. In life, there are no short-cuts. Can you imagine being operated upon in a life or death situation by a doctor who cheated his way through school? Just as there is always a price to pay, there is a prize (reward) that comes with every suffering we face in life.
Read MoreKnowing the weaknesses of others should not make us puffed with pride, it should make us think of ways to help them up. This requires humility; humility to know that your level in life came not by your power but by the grace of God and others who helped you in the past.
Read MoreIf you ever find yourself in a position of service, consider it a privilege, an opportunity to improve yourself, to learn and to grow. Serving others helps you to understand people, it makes you discover your talents and acquire new skills.
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