Pride makes us think we know everything. It prevents us from learning anything new. Like a cup full of water, we can’t take any more water. As a result of pride, we find ourselves arguing with everyone and challenging them in every instance. What makes pride dangerous is that it is an invisible vice. I can never see my pride. In other words, I need others to tell me whether or not I am proud and when they do, I consider it an insult.
Read MoreWe learn from the centurion to be humble, bearing in mind that we are not worthy to have Jesus come to us. Humility is not just thinking less of myself; it is thinking big of the God I serve. If only I knew how big God is, rather than seeing prayer as a waste of time, I would consider each minute I spend praying a privilege.
Read MoreThe moment we see ourselves as better than others, we start going down. In today’s Gospel passage, Jesus, having put the Pharisees to shame by healing a man with dropsy, taught us a lesson in humility. Jesus described pride as taking a seat at the high table (when invited for a ceremony) only for the host to politely ask you to step down for a more important guest.
Read MoreLike this Canaanite woman, we have been victims of tough times at some point. We may be going through very difficult circumstances right now. Today, we learn that tough times do not last, but tough people do. What does it mean to be a tough person? Selflessness – living not merely for oneself but for others. Living above Prejudice - refusing to judge others based on their origins. Positivity - refusing to take ‘No’ for an answer. Humility – accepting and taking advantage of whatever insults we receive. Let us not examine some lessons in today’s readings.
Read MoreIn our Gospel passage, Jesus is unhappy with his people due to their over-familiarity. Have I become too familiar with God? Do I still have the fear of God in me? Do I value the Bible or treat it as just one of those books?
Read MoreRelying on his strength, Moses fulfilled his passion only to make a costly mistake; he was murdered by killing an Egyptian. When Moses discovered this was not a secret, he fled for his life, which would have been the sad end of his dream. It wasn’t until Moses had grown old and lost every atom of self-confidence that God appeared to him again in the burning bush. This was to teach Moses a lesson in humility.
Read MoreAs we reflect on Mary’s Immaculate Heart, let us look at our hearts. Is my heart like that of Mary? What efforts am I making to guard my heart against all defilements of evil? Is my heart clean enough to accommodate God? Am I willing to listen to the truth and change my ways?
Read MoreGod can use anybody. However, like a pencil that must be sharpened in order to write well, we must learn to humble ourselves to become useful instruments in God’s vineyard. Let not your pride become a stumbling block for those who seek to draw close to God.
Read MoreJesus not only humbled himself, but he also taught us the importance of humility by washing the feet of His disciples; a task allotted to slaves in the Jewish culture. “For I have given you an example, that you also should do as I have done to you.” (John 13:15). Let us examine our conscience today. Do I take joy in serving others? Do I feel that I deserve to be worshipped as a result of the position I hold in the church or in civil society?
Read MoreKnowing the weaknesses of others should not make us puffed with pride, it should make us think of ways to help them up. This requires humility; humility to know that your level in life came not by your power but by the grace of God and others who helped you in the past.
Read MoreIf you ever find yourself in a position of service, consider it a privilege, an opportunity to improve yourself, to learn, and to grow. Serving others helps you to understand people, it makes you discover your talents and acquire new skills. To the world, it may appear as though you are simply slaving for the benefit of others but in truth, service rendered with a cheerful heart makes you a star.
Read MoreMake the most of this Lent; apply yourself fully to all the spiritual exercises with sincerity and a genuine purpose. Do not show off. Joel says: “Rend your heart, not your garment.” Jesus warns: “Beware of practicing your piety before men in order to be seen by them; for you will have no reward in heaven.”
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