Oh, that You had Listened to God’s Commandments

God’s commandments (righteous living) were never intended to punish us. These commandments are for our happiness and prosperity. To think that there is something to gain from going against God’s instruction is to believe the devil’s lies. What did Adam and Eve gain from their disobedience?

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Fear Not, Only Believe. God Will Help You

The best remedy for bad fear is prayer. Yesterday, we heard the prophet Isaiah say, “That those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary.” Today, God assures us: “Behold, I will make you into a threshing sledge… I will open rivers on the bare heights and fountains amid valleys; I will make the wilderness a pool of water…”

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God Never Fails

God has never lost a battle. Even now, God is still winning. Those who wait on God (who never give up on prayer) will run and never be weary. They walk and never faint. Do not interpret your present circumstances as a weakness on the part of God. He knows what He is doing. For instance, it may be difficult to believe that failing that exam was God’s gift for you. What if that failure was the fuel you needed to sharpen your skills and motivate you to discover your true potential?

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Rethinking Our Attitude Toward Sinners

In today’s Gospel passage, we hear Jesus describe Himself as a shepherd who abandons the ninety-nine in search of the lost sheep. Even though the sheep deserves to be punished for going astray, the shepherd’s attitude depicts pity, care, and concern. In other words, by taking our human flesh, Jesus brings to pass the prophecy of Isaiah. As if it wasn’t bad enough to risk the ninety-nine in search of the lost sheep, most of us reject the shepherd who has left everything to look for us.

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Mary’s Immaculate Conception

How do we say “Yes” to God? St. Paul tells us in today’s second reading: “to be holy and blameless before him in love.” (Ephesians 1:3-4). Our “Yes” to God is our decision to live holy and blameless lives. It is our willingness to be the world's salt and light. Is it easy to say “Yes” to God? No. Nevertheless, if Mary said “Yes”, you too can say “Yes.”

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Prepare the Way for Jesus

The natural outcome of proper preparation for Christmas following these four steps above is joy. Try it out and see. Prepare a way for Jesus in your heart, cover the valleys, bring down the mountains, and straighten the crooked lines. There is no way you will not be happy. Only a heart that truly receives Christ understands what it means to be happy.

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God Cares; He Makes A Way Where There’s None

We often ask ourselves, “Where do I start? What impact will I even make?” Jesus came to save the whole world, and He had only thirty-three years to live on earth, thirty of which were spent in preparation. Today, the work Jesus began is still changing lives. The good you begin today, no matter how small, could snowball into something great; it might even outlive you.

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According to Your Faith

Jesus asked the two blind men: “Do you believe I can do this?” Whenever you go on your knees to pray, picture God asking you this question, and please answer it sincerely. Was this question necessary? Jesus needed to ask them because the truth is that not all those who cry and shout in prayer have faith. Not all those who say “Lord, Lord” will enter God’s kingdom.

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Put Your Trust in God

Many of us claim to trust God, but our actions betray this trust. Actions speak louder than words. If we trust God, our actions will show it. In today’s Gospel passage, Jesus told us: “It is not those who say ‘Lord, Lord’ who will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the person who does the will of my Father in heaven.” If we trust God, we will obey Him. For instance, God says: “Do not steal.” (Seventh Commandment). To obey this commandment and avoid stealing, you must trust that God will provide your needs.

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God Never Fails

Today, our Responsorial Psalm describes God as a shepherd who never lets his sheep down. A shepherd who gives his sheep repose along fresh and green pastures; a shepherd who guides the sheep along the right path; a shepherd who never abandons his sheep even when they walk through the shadow of death, and a shepherd who prepares a table for the sheep even in the presence of the enemies.

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How Blessed Are the Humble

An African proverb says that if a child washes his hands very well, he will be invited to sit at the table and eat with the elders. In other words, if we are humble, regardless of our size and status, we will be granted access to high places. Humility will put people under us, like the child leading the lion, the leopard, the wolf, and the lamb.

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Advent: A Time to Seek Jesus Like the Centurion

Advent is a moment to call on Jesus, like the Centurion, who cried to Jesus: “Lord, my servant is lying at home paralysed, in terrible distress” (Matthew 8:6). In seeking Jesus, the Centurion displayed three great virtues: humility, faith, and love. He got Jesus’ attention and obtained healing for his servant.

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