Throw Away Doubts and Your Fears Will Vanish

When Peter and the other apostles gave up their doubts (about Jesus’ resurrection), they became completely different persons; they were no longer afraid of anybody. Even the chief priests and religious leaders became scared of them. They wondered how “uneducated, common men” could be so bold and powerful (even performing miracles). No wonder St. Paul said timidity is not a gift of the Holy Spirit.

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Am I Doing What God Wants?

We often dismiss events as coincidence due to our inability to read the handwriting of God in our lives. It wasn’t just a coincidence; God used this experience to remind Peter that he had been ordained to catch men and no longer to catch fish.

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Not By Our Power But By the Power of God

Peter prayed in the name of Jesus Christ because he believed in the resurrection. Peter knew that Jesus Christ was fully alive and that Jesus was right there with him. When Peter saw the lame man begging at the beautiful gate, he remembered Jesus healed the sick, raised the dead and freed many of their predicament. Peter knew what Jesus would have done upon seeing the lame man at the beautiful gate.

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Do You Think God (or The Church) Has Failed You?

In their frustration, the two disciples met Jesus on the way but could not recognise him. They complained: “We had hoped that he was the one to redeem Israel.” (Luke 24:21). In other words, they were hoping that Jesus would overthrow the Roman authorities (their colonial masters) and become King of Israel. Jesus said to them: “O foolish men…” Why did Jesus call them foolish?

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Jesus Christ is Risen; What Shall We Do?

fter listening to Peter, the crowd asked: “What are we to do?” This crowd remains a model of how we listen to God’s Words. They did not ask Peter about his degrees or qualifications. They were not concerned about where he came from or his profession. Although most of them were Jews who had come from different parts of the world to celebrate Pentecost, they did not ask Peter to work signs.

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Fear Not; Go and Announce the Good News

When Jesus told the women to tell his brothers to go to Galilee, Jesus meant that his brothers should move from unbelief to faith. Dear friends, we do not need visas to go on a pilgrimage to this special Galilee. As long as we have hearts ready to welcome Jesus like the Galileans and truly believe, we will see Jesus.

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Rise and Shine; Jesus is Alive

Lent is finally over. Am I also in haste to move on with my life? No more Stations of the Cross, no more fasting and abstinence. Am I going to return to my old habits and vices? Mary Magdalene refused to move on. Her actions proved she was a true friend of Jesus. She was among the Women of Jerusalem who wept for Jesus while the crowd cheered and mocked, but when others moved on, she went to the tomb early in the morning

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Oh, Holy Night: Retracing Our Salvation History

This is the night that, even now, throughout the world, sets Christian believers apart from worldly vices and the gloom of sin, leading them to grace and joining them with his holy ones. This is the night Christ broke the prison bars of death and rose victorious from the underworld…

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The Goodness of Good Friday

Good Friday shows God understands our pains. He knows what it feels like to love and be rejected, to be betrayed, angry, hungry, insulted, dissatisfied, sick, weak, or sorrowful. Good Friday teaches us that Jesus once felt whatever you were going through today.

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Celebrating Jesus, Our Passover Lamb

During the Easter Triduum, we go beyond retelling the stories of salvation to “re-creating” these events to deepen our reflection of what happened during those last days of Christ walking the face of the earth. Hence, our celebrations are marked with a lot of symbolism and deep historical relevance

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Spiritual Creativity: the Opposite of Betrayal

Spiritual creativity is not a luxury; it is the essence of our faith. Either I am winning for Jesus or betraying (denying) him. I can only imagine Jesus's pain, knowing that those who shared the same plate with him would betray him. Nevertheless, Jesus said: “Woe to that man by whom the Son of man is betrayed! It would have been better for that man if he had not been born.”

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An Anatomy of Betrayal: Exposing the Judas Iscariot in Me

Judas Iscariot behaved as if all was well even after collecting money. When others were asking: “Is it I who will betray you?” Judas joined in the chorus. Judas did not realise Jesus was giving him a last chance to repent.

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