Repent From Hypocrisy

No matter how good you think you are, be open to criticism. Do not surround yourself with sycophants. Cherish and appreciate those who have different opinions; there is always something to learn and something you can improve on. Only a true friend will tell you to your face that you are going the wrong way.

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Woe to You, Scribes and Pharisees

Jesus did not condemn tithing; He said it is less important than justice, mercy, and faith. This means that on the last day, God will never ask why you refused to pay your tithes. Instead, He will ask you why you failed to practice justice, mercy and faith. We will be judged for failing to feed the hungry, giving drinks to the thirsty, visiting the sick and the prisoners, etc. If you do not feel like tithing or you do not believe in it, you are not sinning.

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Woe to You, Scribes and Pharisees

Only a true friend will tell you the truth about yourself. Many preachers (pastors, priests, church leaders, etc.) wallow in darkness because they have surrounded themselves with praise singers. We, men of God, believe we are perfect because everyone respects us, and since no one is bold enough to correct us, we no longer see anything wrong with our sinful behaviours.

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Will You Also Go Away? Taste and See that the Lord is Good

Dear friends, if all that Jesus came to do for us was to provide for our material needs, why did Jesus allow the crowds to leave Him? If all that Jesus came to do was to remove poverty from our lives, why did He say we would always have the poor among us? (Cf. Matthew 26:11). Do not make the mistake of this crowd. Let it never be that you only worship God for the passing things of this Life. As St. Paul says: “If for this life only we have hoped in Christ, we are of all people most to be pitied.” (1 Corinthians 15:19).

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There is Love in Sharing

The way and manner in which we become converted vary. Some people’s conversions were rather dramatic, some not so. The “how” is not so important. What matters is that at some point in our lives, we become true Christians, true followers of Jesus, and fully convinced about Jesus. And one way we know we are converted is when we stop being shy about spreading the Good News.

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It Is Never Too Late for God

Ezekiel’s prophecy of the dry bones shows us that there can be dead cases as far as our life is concerned. We can always change; there is always room for repentance. We can never be too old to start learning again. Why is it that it can never be too late for God? His steadfast love never ceases; His mercies endure forever. God’s mercies are new every morning. As we often sing: “Great is thy faithfulness, O Lord. Great is thy faithfulness.”

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Come and Eat, but Dress Properly

The man who came in without a wedding garment symbolises many Christians who take God for granted today: Christians who abuse the sacrament of penance, Christians who do not believe that God has a say in what they do with their bodies, Christians who are wolves in sheep clothing; Christians who try to eat their cake and still have it at the same time. Salvation is free but not cheap.

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Before God, We Are All Equal

Like these workers in the vineyard, what separates us from each other is unimportant. There is no need to look down on anyone or take anyone to be a god because even if it seems we are better or worse than others, we are all equal before God. Jesus has said it all: “The last will be first, and the first will be last.”

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Why is it hard for the Rich to Enter Heaven?

Is my desire for God greater than my desire for material riches and luxuries? Haven’t I made a god of my possessions? In today’s Gospel passage, Jesus says: “Everyone who has left their houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields, for my name’s sake, will receive a hundredfold, and will inherit eternal life.” (Matthew 19:29). Entering Heaven will be hard for anyone who worships their wealth.

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To Be Perfect, Give to The Poor

Try to put yourself in this young man’s shoes and allow the words of Jesus to resound again in your ears: “If you want to be perfect, go and sell what you possess and give to the poor.” Are you going to walk away? Will you bluff over this message and go about your normal day-to-day activities? Or will you take an excursion to your wardrobe and bring out clothes you no longer need so that you can clothe some poor people who cannot afford such?

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Forsake Foolishness; Eat And Drink The Food Of Eternal Life

Don’t be foolish and cheat yourself by staying away from Holy Communion. Let your desire to receive Holy Communion daily become your greatest motivation to live above sin, avoid temptations, have a pure heart, and study the Bible. The more Communion you receive, the stronger you become spiritually, and the fewer temptations overpower you.

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Let the Children Come to Me

Children who grow up without any idea of God end up becoming spiritually deficient. Let your children come to God. Take them to Sunday School. Let them participate in the catechism class. For many of us, those things we learnt in catechism as children sustain our Christian faith to this day. Those who say: “I don’t want to indoctrinate my child. I want the child to grow up and decide for himself whether or not to believe in God or follow religion”, always end up having social media carry out negative indoctrination for them.

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