Do Not Despise the Little Ones

God’s kingdom does not operate like our human empires where might is right, where the poor, the weak, and the little ones are trampled underfoot. The principle of greatness before God is not how much money you have or what you have achieved in life. No. The principle of greatness in God’s sight is humility and service. Jesus says: “He who is greatest among you shall be your servant.” (Matthew 23:11)

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Beware of Fake Prophets and Fake Prophecies

Telling lies is very bad. Telling lies in God’s name is even worse. This is because when you claim to have received a message from God, and it turns out that the message was false, you make God look like a liar. For this, Hananiah died that year. Many so-called men of God “prophesied” great and wonderful things about this country on New Year’s Day. How many of such prophecies happened? Either they did not hear well when God spoke, or they did not hear from God

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Sentenced to Death for Truth

Prophesying is not the same as giving a merely motivational speech. There is an aspect of prophecy that causes discomfort to its listeners. Preaching truth takes work. Anyone determined to take this path must be prepared for death.

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When the Truth Hurts

When we are guilty, the truth sounds like an insult or a personal attack. This happens because God’s Word is alive. It is sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing until it divides soul from spirit, joints from marrow; it can judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Truth, like medicine, is bitter, but it brings healing. Instead of fighting it, accept its bitterness, and it will set you free (cf. John 8:32)

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Collaboration and Detachment: Essentials for Success in Ministry

As ministers of God, we must preach with the examples of our lives. Until we cease to be beneficiaries of corruption like Amaziah, the priest, we cannot speak truth to power. Until we practice the detachment Jesus recommends, no one will take our sermons or communiques seriously. As St. Paul says in today’s second reading, we have been called “to be holy and spotless”, not necessarily to make it big in life. Let us repent from worshipping money, whether as ministers or laity. Let us return to practising the Gospel values and apply poverty of spirit.

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Doing God’s Will is Better Than Pretence

The problem with Christianity is that we have too many vendors but very few consumers. Many Christians are convinced about the truth of the Gospel, in theory, but practically deny it by their actions. I was preaching somewhere, and a woman in the congregation shouted: “Father, tell them! Yes. Tell them,” Why do we believe the Gospel is for “them” and not for me?

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Be A Person of Integrity

God is truth; since no one can fight God, no one can fight, hide, or suppress the truth. Somehow and someday, the truth must come out. There is no need to swear at all. Truth is capable of testifying to itself. Let what you say be ‘yes’ or ‘no.’

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As the church was gathered in one place, praying and worshipping God, we are gathered today, and we all ask God for another outpouring of the Holy Spirit. More than ever before, the church today is in dire need of the Holy Spirit.

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Fake Pastors: Fierce Wolves in Sheep Clothing

Paul looked into the future while addressing the elders (pastors) at Ephesus concerning fake pastors whom he described as ‘fierce wolves.’ Jesus also saw the future when He spoke of the world’s hatred against His disciples. Today, this hatred no longer comes from external forces but from fierce wolves in sheep's clothing operating from within the church

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The Holy Spirit: Source of All Truth

You cannot have the Holy Spirit in you and still tell lies. This is because telling lies is not one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit. Never trust anyone who tells lies; they don’t know God. If someone knows the truth and decides to twist it, that person can easily work for the devil.

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The Holy Spirit: Our Helper and Teacher

However, in sad moments, we find it very hard to pray, talkless of singing praises to God. Paul and Silas teach us a very important lesson today – praise God even in bad times. How do we summon courage to praise God when it seems He failed to protect us from evil? Remember that you are not alone. The Holy Spirit is always with you;

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We Must Obey God Rather Than Men

Even after orchestrating the death of Jesus Christ, the high priest and his council refused to admit the truth. They angrily said to the apostles: “We strictly charged you not to teach in this name, yet here you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching, and you intend to bring this man’s blood upon us.” (Acts 5:28). Who else should the apostles hold responsible for Jesus’ death? Who paid Judas Iscariot? Who instigated false witnesses against Jesus? Who mobilised the crowds to shout “Crucify Him?”

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