For all those times, Peter would have to suffer, the only thing that would keep him going is the memory of his triple “yes” to Jesus’ question. Love is patient and kind; love takes no record of records; love never ends; love never gives up. Jesus even went as far as predicting the kind of death Peter would die; how he would stretch his hands while others will tie his belt and take him where he does not wish to go.
Read MoreThe election of Saint Mathias whose feast we celebrate today teaches us that no matter how good we are, there would always be someone who can take our place. We have been chosen by God but our election does not mean we have become indispensable. The will of God must be done and the work of God has to continue. If you serve in any capacity in God’s house, avoid pride; be good to people, never think that without you, everything will end.
Read MoreIt is not possible for us to understand everything about God. Like the Holy Eucharist, there are still so many things about God that remain mysteries to us. No matter how high the temptation may be for you to walk away from God, let us remember that the best is yet to come. God has not changed and will never change a bit. Just hold on. Don’t quit on God. For his steadfastness to endure when he didn’t understand, Peter would go on to become a great instrument in God’s hands.
Read MoreWe cannot claim to love God if we are not willing to suffer even a single insult on behalf of God. We cannot claim to love God if we are not willing to abandon our dreams of becoming rich and wealthy in life to answer our calling. Of course, not all of us have been called by God to become ministers like Peter and the other apostles but each of us has been called to love God with all our minds, our hearts, and our strength.
Read MoreIf it comes to that point when we have to choose who to obey, let us remember Jesus’ words in Matthew 10:28 “Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.”
Read MoreSometimes, it is good for us to experience failure so that we may have the opportunity of asking ourselves certain very serious questions. “Am I just trying to make money or am I doing what God brought me to this life to do?”
Read MoreWhen we are only concerned about money, the things of God do not make sense to us. Jesus Christ met these two disciples on the way but they failed to recognize Him because their hearts were clouded by material pursuits. Jesus took his time to explain the Scriptures to them, and their hearts burned within them.
Read MoreEveryone is pointing fingers but no one wants to change. We accuse our priests, pastors, imams, bishops, general overseers, etc. We accuse our political leaders, businessmen and women, school teachers and school owners, musicians, and celebrities, we accuse parents; no one is left out. In this age of social media, when any scandal breaks out, everyone starts to talk, and we demonize each other openly, yet when we go back home, we shut the door and continue doing evil hoping never to get caught. Be the change you desire to see. Repent.
Read MoreWhat Judas did can be likened to one who receives Holy Communion in the Church only to walk out immediately after mass to commit a mortal sin. Let us examine our hearts. Never assume you have time. Today may just be your last chance to repent.
Read MoreJesus called Peter “Satan” for attempting to dissuade Him from the path of suffering saying “you are not on the side of God but of men.” Do you sometimes wonder how Jesus feels when we begin to reject suffering and pain on the basis of our Christian identity?
Read MoreWhen Peter saw a great catch of fish which he was not expecting to see, he knew this was not about fish; that, he had just encountered God. He fell down immediately at the feet of Jesus saying: “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord.”
Read MoreWhen we read in Jeremiah 29:11 that God has plans for us, we must bear in mind that part of that plan is that at some point, we would undergo some amount of suffering.
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