Is it possible for satan to speak through a man of God? Yes. The question is not whether it can happen but whether you will be able to sift between the voice of the person and the voice of the devil. This is why we all need to pray for the gift of discernment (the ability to distinguish between spirits).
Read MoreThe great catch of fish was a turning point in Peter’s life. He immediately recognised God's presence and confessed his sins. Isaiah had a similar experience in today’s First Reading. Meanwhile, in today’s second reading, St. Paul confesses how he previously persecuted the Church, yet God made him an apostle. Is it the case that God prefers working with individuals with a sinful past? What do we learn from these readings?
Read MoreWhat have you left behind to follow Jesus? In other words, what is the cost of your discipleship? What do you have to let go to remain a Christian? If truly you have not left anything behind, it means your faith is a matter of convenience. The danger in this is that you could easily fall away in moments of trials. This explains why some Christians move from one “solution house” to another, not minding if they partake in idol worship. Christianity is not only about what we stand to gain from God; it is about carrying our crosses and following Jesus’ footsteps.
Read MoreWhile other apostles fled during the Passion of Jesus, John was with Mary at the foot of the cross. John’s presence shows that he was a true friend of Jesus. He was there when Jesus was “nothing”—he was there when Jesus was stripped, disfigured, and hanged on the cross. Only when the chips are down do you get to know your friends. No wonder it was to John that Jesus gave his mother.
Read MoreThe world never accepted Jesus Christ. From the very day he was born, Jesus had enemies – so many people were determined to kill him. They followed him everywhere, looking for loopholes here and there. From Herod, who wiped out children, down to Judas Iscariot, Jesus was always surrounded by enemies. No one has ever been so hated. When your life begins to resemble that of Jesus, people will hate you with equal passion as they hated Jesus.
Read MoreAndrew had a special talent for bringing people to Jesus. He was not selfish with the truth. Let us examine our conscience: Since I became a Christian, how many people have I brought to Jesus? Charity begins at home; how many of my family members have become better Christians because of my shining example and conviction? As St. Paul teaches in today’s first reading, preaching (bringing people to Christ) is beautiful. “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach good news!” (Romans 10:15)
Read MoreAnd that servant who knew his master’s will, but did not make ready or act according to his will, shall receive a severe beating. But he who did not know and did what deserved a beating shall receive a light beating.” (Luke 12:47-48). Knowledge is responsibility. Our punishment will be tough if we continue sinning despite our knowledge of theology and access to many spiritual treasures.
Read MoreMiracles are not things we should glory in; they are signs pointing to deeper realities. Upon seeing the great fish catch, Peter immediately descended on his knees before Jesus, saying: “Go away from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man!” (Luke 5:8). No one likes to be used and dumped, but this is exactly what we do to God when we seek His blessings and refuse to obey His words.
Read MoreJesus tells us today, “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me” (Mark 8:34). Whether we like it or not, Christianity involves self-denial, self-discipline, suffering, embracing lack, and giving away one’s life for Christ’s sake. As powerful as the cross, so powerful are those pains, insults, ridicule, and shame we must put up with for the sake of our Christian Faith.
Read MorePerhaps Jesus is asking me to let down my nets for a catch, yet I procrastinate and give God excuses. Trust God and obey His commands. Forget what people around you are saying. Do what is right, and God will reward you with an abundant catch—more than you would have dreamt of if you had disobeyed.
Read MoreAim for perfection. It is better to avoid offending others than insisting on your rights. Some wars are not worth fighting. You may be right, but sometimes, it is wiser to make peace than to stoke the fires of war. Jesus could have argued with the tax collectors or forced them to believe in His Divinity, but He chose the more convincing option: He worked a miracle to pay the tax. He did something only God could do: ask Peter to catch a fish with a coin.
Read MoreJesus is inviting us to invest in eternity and live in such a manner as to be worthy of heaven after our death. If you do not attain heaven, everything else is useless. Regardless of one’s length of days or riches attained, without heaven, one has only lived a wasted life. Go to the graveyard; you will observe that you cannot tell the difference between those who lived in affluence and those who barely survived. What truly matters is where we spend eternity; it is neither how much we gather nor how much we leave for our children. To die in a state of disconnect with God is the worst kind of death.
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