“It is harder to watch the pains of those we love than to bear our pains.” Mary stood beside her son in his moments of agony, scourging at the pillar and carrying on the cross and crucifixion. She remained even while his close friends, the disciples, fled for their dear lives.
Read MoreWe are not celebrating Mary’s birthday because God chose her. We are celebrating her birthday today because she accepted God’s plan for her life. She said “Yes” to God. Like Mary, God will do great things in you and for you if only you would say “Yes” to Him; if only you would walk according to His Commands and obey His Words.
Read MoreIf God could make a man as weak as Gideon, a successful war hero, it tells us that God can take “a nobody” like Mary and turn her into His mother; by this fact, she is the queen of heaven.
Read MoreFinally the Immaculate Virgin, preserved free from all stain of original sin, when the course of her earthly life was finished, was taken up body and soul into heavenly glory, and exalted by the Lord as Queen over all things so that she might be the more fully conformed to her Son, the Lord of lords and conqueror of sin and death.
Read MoreToday we celebrate three Saints: Mary, Martha and Lazarus, siblings of the same family and friends of Jesus Christ. One day, Lazarus was sick. Mary and Martha sent for Jesus, but He did not show up. In pain and disappointment, Mary and Martha buried Lazarus. It is difficult to speak of faith when faced with serious challenges, when prayers are unanswered or when tragedies strike.
Read MoreApplying today’s Gospel passage to the concept of parenthood, we can interpret the parable of the sower in this way: The soil represents the parents. While some parents provide a nurturing ground for their children to blossom, others are like rocky, thorny or roadside paths. Not minding the “nature-nurture argument”, we can never underestimate the importance of proper upbringing.
Read MoreAs we reflect on Mary’s Immaculate Heart, let us look at our hearts. Is my heart like that of Mary? What efforts am I making to guard my heart against all defilements of evil? Is my heart clean enough to accommodate God? Am I willing to listen to the truth and change my ways?
Read MoreIndeed, life is not balanced. No one has it all rosy. Virtually everyone alive today is going through something. However, we can learn from Mary’s visit to look beyond our challenges and difficulties. Let us know to place ourselves in the shoes of others. If you hear something good about others, go and visit them. If you hear something terrible, still visit them; talk to them before you start spreading the news (damaging their names).
Read MoreToday, we celebrate the memorial of Mary, the mother of the Church. Having completed the seven weeks of Easter, today is a day for us to pause a while and remember the unique role of Mary in the course of the whole Easter festivities and, in particular, to examine the total weight of the words Jesus spoke at the foot of the cross: “Behold, Your Mother.”
Read MoreDear friends, every time we celebrate the Mass, we join Jesus and His disciples in the Upper Room; the place where God comes to meet ordinary humans. It is important to mention that it was in this same Upper Room that the Holy Spirit came upon the apostles on the day of Pentecost. When next you are present at mass, know that you are in the Upper Room; the most powerful room on earth.
Read MoreNever forget that God sees everything. Nothing is hidden from him, not even the secret thoughts and intentions of our hearts. It is better to be good than to pretend to be good. People may be clapping for you thinking you are good but when the time comes, your evil deeds will be exposed.
Read MoreToday’s feast is a reminder that God does not force his way into our lives. He works in us only with our consent. As one Saint said, God created us without our consent but He will not save us without our consent. We always have a choice either to say “Yes” or “No” to God’s plans for our lives. Great things happen when we allow God to have His way in our lives.
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