Jesus’ Guide to True Greatness

For Jesus, greatness is not having others serve you but becoming a servant to others. “If anyone wishes to be first (great), he must be last of all and servant of all” (Mark 9:35). In Matthew’s version of this passage, Jesus says: “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 18:3-4).

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The Assumption of Mary

Finally the Immaculate Virgin, preserved free from all stain of original sin, when the course of her earthly life was finished, was taken up body and soul into heavenly glory, and exalted by the Lord as Queen over all things so that she might be the more fully conformed to her Son, the Lord of lords and conqueror of sin and death

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Yes, Lord, I Believe That You are the Christ

Despite her brother’s death, Martha still had faith in Jesus. She ran to welcome Him when she heard He was coming to her house. “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died. But even now I know that God will give you whatever you ask of him.” (John 11:21-22). Inspired by such great faith, Jesus raised Lazarus to life. Do not give up on God when the going becomes tough. You do not know what God is planning for you.

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Who are The Brothers and Sisters of Jesus?

Jesus’ behaviour shows us that listening to God’s word supersedes family responsibility. In other words, if your parents (family members) are calling you and God is also calling you, answer God first before answering your parents. Jesus is not against family members, but He recognises that sometimes, those we love may act as obstacles to God’s will. On occasions when we have to choose between God and family, Jesus says: “God first.”

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Who am I to Jesus? Friend or Client

Today’s first reading comes from the Song of Solomon, a book about married love. This reading depicts Mary Magdalene’s love for Jesus. When the others deserted Jesus at his arrest and crucifixion, Mary Magdalene was one of those who stood beside the cross. Do I stick to my faith (remain with Jesus) even in moments of suffering and pain?

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Mary’s Immaculate Heart: Model of a Pure Heart

Mary knew when to speak and when to be silent. In today’s Gospel passage, Mary “treasured everything in her heart.” She practised contemplative prayer, which some saints have described as the most perfect form.

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The Significance of Mary’s Visit to Elizabeth

Elizabeth did not ask Mary to come over. Upon hearing about Elizabeth's situation, Mary immediately ran to her aid. This quick and selfless response is a testament to Mary’s understanding and empathy. She didn't hesitate to help, just as she did for the couple at the Wedding Feast at Cana.

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Celebrating Mary, the Mother of the Church

Some children grow up not knowing their mothers, some have no respect for their mothers, some have abandoned their mothers and so on, but nothing can take away the fact that those women are their mothers. Even if you have no regard for Mary (or feel offended by those who do), as long as you believe that Jesus is God and didn’t fall straight from heaven, Mary is your Mother.

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Be of Good Cheer: Joy as a Fruit of the Holy Spirit

We must be of good cheer because we are fighting a won battle; no matter what the world does to us, it cannot undo Christ’s victory on the Cross of Calvary. We must be cheerful because our tribulations are temporary; life happens in seasons and stages. We must be of good cheer because joy is a sign of victory; our enemies are confused when they see us happy despite their plans. We must be of good cheer because joy is one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit.

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The Mother of Jesus Was There

Today, we celebrate the fact that Mary intercedes for Africa. When Herod sought to kill the baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph took shelter in Africa. At a time when our continent is faced with turmoil and suffering under the yoke of neo-colonialism, we need Mother Mary’s intercession more than ever.

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Great Things Happen when we Say “YES” to God

Why did God send an Angel to Mary? St. Augustine answered: “God created us without our consent, but He will not save us without our consent.” We always have a choice to say “Yes” or “No” to God’s plans for our lives.

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Rise and Shine; Jesus is Alive

Lent is finally over. Am I also in haste to move on with my life? No more Stations of the Cross, no more fasting and abstinence. Am I going to return to my old habits and vices? Mary Magdalene refused to move on. Her actions proved she was a true friend of Jesus. She was among the Women of Jerusalem who wept for Jesus while the crowd cheered and mocked, but when others moved on, she went to the tomb early in the morning

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