The Body and the Blood of Jesus Christ

We can read John 3:16 in this way: “For God so loved the world that He gave us His Body and Blood that whosoever eats His flesh and drinks His blood would have eternal life and be raised on the last day.” (cf. John 6:54). In other words, today we are celebrating God’s greatest gift to humanity; the gift of Himself made readily available in the Holy Eucharist.

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The Holy Trinity Reflects God’s Infinite Love for Us

How is God both Father, Son and Holy Spirit simultaneously? This question is so complicated that we can only offer examples to explain. One example is that of a grown-up man, let’s say, Mr A. To his children, Mr A is a father. Mr A is a brother to his siblings, and to his parents, Mr A is a son. Mr A is one person but different things to different people. Even though this example gives us some idea, it is still a terrible example because while God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit simultaneously, Mr A cannot be both father, son and brother to any human being.

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When the Going is Tough, Love Keeps You Going

Do I love God? Am I willing to let go of everything else for His sake even when I am to get nothing in return? In truth, if I do not love God above everything else in this life, I would not be able to withstand whatever sacrifices my Christian faith would demand.

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Love Those Who Hate You

We are a mysterious people. We always forgive those who hurt us. We turn the other cheek when someone slaps us on one side. We let others have their way and we pray for God’s blessings rather than heap curses on our haters. (Cf. Matthew 5:38-39). This is how we melt the hearts of our enemies. This is the principle that has made our religion spread all over the world and continue to grow in leaps and bounds.

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You are my Friends IF you do What I Command You

It is one thing to call a person your friend but a different thing for that person to recognize you as his or her friend. God considers us as His friends but the question is: How many of us relate with God as His true friends? In other words, how many of us are faithful to God’s commandments? How many of us love others as much as God loves us?

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That Your Joy May be Full

Jesus tells us today: “If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father's commandments and abide in his love. These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full. This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” (John 15:10-12)

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Love: The Hallmark of a True Believer

Our first reading today is a reminder to us that the greatest of all of God’s commandments is to love our neighbours as ourselves. Love cancels our selfishness. Love melts our hearts to live not just for ourselves but for others. Love opens our eyes to see the sufferings of others and touches our heart to offer solutions.

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Divine Mercy: God’s Easter Gift to Mankind

Be an agent of Divine Mercy; show love to that brother or sister that is genuinely in need. God blessed you not to “pepper others” (show them that you have arrived) but to be a blessing to others. that which you have in excess belongs to the hungry, the less privileged, the hopeless, etc.

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If You Trust God, you will Obey Him

Trust God and obey His word. Trust your parents (your elders, your teachers, etc.) and keep to their instructions. It might seem hard for you to just be good but I tell you, this is the shortest cut to success in life. This is what Moses teaches us in today’s first reading. Give heed to the statutes and the ordinances… that you may live and take possession of the land… God means well by giving us the commandments.

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To be Perfect, Love your Enemies

Can you change your feelings toward your enemies? What if you decide no longer to talk about them in a negative light? What if decide to remember only those good things they did to you and not the painful ones? What if you start praying for their conversion and deliverance rather than for God to destroy them?

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The Origin of the Family is Love

An example of the love that sustains family is what we see in the Gospel passage when a woman was willing to swallow what seemed like an insult just for the sake of the healing of her daughter. She so loved her daughter that she was just not ready to take “No” for an answer. If this kind of love exists in our families, the world would be a much better place.

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To Love is to Die to Oneself

Any relationship where both parties are only concerned about what they can get from the other person is a disaster waiting to happen. The fact that you are attracted to someone because of that person’s qualities (for instance, good looks, good behavior, sexual appeal, kindness, power, wealth, etc.) does not mean that you love that person.

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