What is the essence of being a Christian if, at the end of this life, we fail to make heaven (become saints)? Isn’t it better that we are not Christians at all? A mediocre (average) Christian is just as good as a non-Christian and sadly there are now too many of us who settle for average; we are neither hot nor cold. (Cf. Rev. 3:15-16)
Read MoreChristianity as we practice it today needs to die and become born again. This death is concretized in the baptismal promises to which we respond “I do.” I reject Satan. I reject everything that Satan has to offer. I refuse to listen to Satan’s promises. I reject the glamour of evil. I reject any sinful habit. I walk in the light.
Read MoreHave I fully received Christ? Am I a wolf in sheep's clothing? Do I outwardly claim to be for Christ yet act against him in private? And finally, as a child of God, what are my New Year's resolutions?
Read MoreLet your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” We all are called to be like John the Baptist this advent. Our lives should become lights pointing the whole world toward the child Jesus
Read MoreThere is so much good inside of you. If you search deep enough, you will discover that you are more than capable of goodness. As one author noted, it is our light, not our darkness that frightens us.
Read MoreHow do we acknowledge God before people? By putting God first in every decision and choice we make. Get used to doing what is right especially in secret and you will not have a problem acknowledging God publicly.
Read MoreTo say holiness is impossible or that it is not easy to live differently from the world is to act like the proverbial beggar sitting on a stool of pure gold, yet asking for crumbs from passers-by.
Read MoreTo be wise in the spiritual sense is to trust little in your wealth, your current status, your education, your connections, and even your present devotional practices. To be wise is to have a backup; something extra, something to hold on to should everything else fail. To be wise is to have some extra oil. What is that extra oil? It is, in the words of St. Paul in today’s first reading THE MESSAGE OF THE CROSS.
Read MoreWe cannot follow the narrow door if we cannot dare to stand out from the world and be different. To enter by the narrow door is to love God’s commandments regardless of what the world thinks about them.
Read MoreWhen we get there, we too shall say like Peter that “it is wonderful to be here.” There is more to life than what meets the eyes. There is more to existence than what we can verify. If God were to open our eyes like He did with Peter, James, and John or even Daniel as we saw in today’s first reading, we would never for once doubt His existence again. So, let us not get discouraged by suffering, pain, and hardship now. No matter what we have to give up now for Christ’s sake, heaven is worth it.
Read MoreAvoid shallow Christianity. Be a doer of the word. Let it not be that the only reason you are a Christian faith is simply to receive miracles, breakthroughs and prosperity. If this the case, you will not be able to withstand the rains, floods and winds that would come your way. If you are simply an Amen-I-receive-it-Christian, you would soon fall away when trials and difficulties come.
Read MoreDon’t be an actor – be a Christian. And you would know if you are Christian or not when you are provoked, humiliated, and insulted by others. The way a person behaves when they are angry reveals their true color; it is very difficult to pretend when you are angry. Jesus tells us today that anyone who is angry with his brother shall be liable to judgment, anyone who insults his brother shall be liable to the council, and anyone who says ‘you fool’ liable to the hell of fire.
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