The great catch of fish was a turning point in Peter’s life. He immediately recognised God's presence and confessed his sins. Isaiah had a similar experience in today’s First Reading. Meanwhile, in today’s second reading, St. Paul confesses how he previously persecuted the Church, yet God made him an apostle. Is it the case that God prefers working with individuals with a sinful past? What do we learn from these readings?
Read MoreMary and Joseph knew that Jesus was God, meaning there was no need to bring the baby Jesus to the temple, but in humility (not wanting to appear like the special ones in their community), they followed the law. They presented God to God. Today’s Second Reading states: “He had to become like his brothers and sisters in every respect, so that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in the service of God, to make a sacrifice of atonement for the sins of the people.” (Hebrews 2:17).
Read MoreTo be clean of hands and pure of heart means that you do not have any skeletons in your wardrobe. Being clean of hands and pure in heart means you have nothing to hide. By the way, we live in a world where it has become impossible to hide anything. With our latest technological gadgets and devices, one’s entire life history can be dug up in a minute. Jesus tells us in today’s Gospel passage: “For nothing is hidden, except to be made manifest; nor is anything secret, except to come to light.”
Read MoreThe people to whom Isaiah prophesied in our first reading were a people in darkness. Isaiah prophesied that Christ, the world’s light, would dwell in their midst and wipe out the darkness. The Angels announced this to the shepherds who kept watch at night: “For to you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour who is Christ the Lord.”
Read MoreIt is often said that if the devil is not fighting you, it is because you are working for hm. Many Christians today have grown lukewarm in their Christian faith, no longer letting their light shine and compromising their values. You should be worried if you are not facing persecution; it is a sign that you have aligned with the devil.
Read MoreDaniel was talking about the brightness of good deeds: our holy life, our love for one another, our rendering of help to the needy, our genuine worship of God, our faithfulness to sound Christian living, etc. These good deeds are lights amid the darkness of sin enveloping our world today. If we don’t start shining now, we will not shine when we die.
Read MoreWhen Job uttered this song (“I know my Redeemer lives”), he had no more reason to believe in God. He had been praying for days, and all he could see was the opposite of what he was praying for. This song reminds us of Paul and Silas, who, in prison, sang songs of praise to God. Nothing touches God as much as our ability to sing His praises despite our difficulties. By singing, Job utterly disappointed the devil, who felt that Job’s righteousness was tied to his material blessings.
Read MoreWhile others were scared of Paul because they judged him as a bad person who later became a Christian, Barnabas saw in Paul a very good man who had a bad past. In this way, Barnabas acted as the salt of the earth, as Jesus instructs in today’s Gospel passage. Just as salt preserves food (prevents it from going stale), Barnabas helped to preserve whatever good was in Saul until he became Paul.
Read MoreMake efforts to save as many people from darkness but do not get drowned in the process. It is okay to have enemies. The good news is that a light bulb may look small (compared to the size of the room), but it is enough to brighten the entire room.
Read More“While they were worshipping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, ‘Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.’”(Acts 13:2). This is the first recorded instance of the Holy Spirit speaking directly, not just to one person, but to an entire congregation; everyone heard and understood the Holy Spirit’s message.
Read MoreThe message for you today is: “Rise.” Don’t stay down. Rise! Your sufferings are not a sign of weakness on the part of God. Keep trusting in God. Very soon, your eyes will see, and your mouth will testify that God never sleeps nor slumbers and never turns His back on His children.
Read MoreWe behave like Herod when we don’t let others shine. Whenever we hold on to power, even to the detriment of others, we act like Herod. We may condemn Herod’s action, but when we examine our conscience, we realize we have done worse than Herod in the past. How often have I felt so threatened by the success of others to the extent of doing all in my power to pull them down, get them out of the way, or even eliminate them?
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