Joseph deserves a lot of heroic commendation for his Faith. By obeying the Angel, Joseph showed that he believed in the possibility of God taking flesh in the womb of a person. Joseph believed strongly that with God, all things are possible.
Read MoreAnyone who hears God’s Word and puts it into practice is automatically a family member of Jesus. Regardless of your church, race, colour or nationality, you are family as long as you listen to and obey God’s voice.
Read MoreJesus’ critics called him a glutton and a friend of tax collectors. In response, Jesus said: “All her children justify Wisdom.” Actions speak louder than words. A footballer once wrote on his Twitter handle: “Those who know do not criticise, and those who criticise do not know.” Do not be too quick to criticise others or to believe the negative tales you hear.
Read MoreHow often do we become too comfortable in a foreign land that we forget about our home? There is nothing wrong with seeking greener pastures abroad, but don’t forget your home. Like these Israelites, we too have come to love this world so that we forget we are only sojourners on earth.
Read MoreJoseph not only forgave his brothers, but he also went the extra mile to protect them and provide for their needs. It is not enough to say: “I have forgiven you.” Like Joseph, we must restore the broken relationship. Too often, we say things like: “I have forgiven you, but don’t you ever come near me again.” Such forgiveness is only cosmetic.
Read MoreFree your heart and move on. What you have now is far better than what you think you lost. Try to see the brighter side. Trust that God has always and will always be there for you. Even in your darkest moments, God is still there for you. He did it for Joseph. He will do it for you.
Read MoreIf there is any lesson we must take home today, it is: “Be good to children.” Help these little ones; help them achieve their dreams. The same Joseph considered unnecessary by his brothers became Governor of Egypt. The same Joseph sold off is the one about whom Pharaoh said: “Go to Joseph, do whatever he tells you.”
Read MoreSt. Joseph is a kind of Abraham; he believed the message of the Angel and agreed to be the earthly father of Jesus Christ, this way giving credence to the prophecy of Nathan which we read about in today’s first reading. An offspring from the house of David whose house shall be established forever.
Read MoreStart looking at what you have; count your blessings, develop your gifts, and work on yourself. Stop comparing yourself with anyone else; compete only with yourself. Seek to become a better version of yourself each day.
Read MoreIf you ever find yourself in a position of service, consider it a privilege, an opportunity to improve yourself, to learn, and to grow. Serving others helps you to understand people, it makes you discover your talents and acquire new skills. To the world, it may appear as though you are simply slaving for the benefit of others but in truth, service rendered with a cheerful heart makes you a star.
Read MoreIf we want our children to grow strong and wise, we must, like Mary and Joseph constantly present them to God. Never neglect to bring your children to church. Let them attend catechism classes. Let them be at Sunday School. It is very important. Do not assume that your children will get to know God or make the right choices in life on their own. Bring them to God. As the book of Proverbs says: “Train children in the right way, and when old, they will not stray.” (Proverbs 22:6)
Read MoreConsider yourself blest when you suffer injustice for God’s sake, when people insult you and maltreat you for choosing to stand by what is right, God is on your side. Do you remember Joseph? When he was tempted by Potiphar’s wife and refused to give in to her sexual advances, it seemed as though his world had ended. There is always a bitter price to pay for goodness. However, in the midst of all that may come your way, bear in mind that God never sleeps. The same Joseph that was so unfairly treated would eventually become Prime Minister of Egypt.
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