Responding to God's Call

In the case of Abram, God wanted him to leave his Father’s house. In your case, God might want you to go through a particular sinful relationship or stop a bad habit. God might want you to take your prayer life more seriously. Whatever the content of your call will be, it will be so clear that you will know it is coming from God.

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The Call to Bless

As Christians we all are called to bless; lift people up; elevate others; to make life better for people. Let it be that whoever comes in contact with you goes back uplifted, smiling, and more hopeful. All rules are aimed at uplifting life not making life more difficult for anyone. In fact, there is only one rule – Do Good.

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God Cares

Know that even if it is only one person you help, it will mean the whole world to them. Search your heart, you can hear God calling you. Just as Jesus appointed the twelve, He wants to do something through you. God does not work in a vacuum; He works through people.

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I Did Not Come to Call the Righteous but Sinners

Man’s opinion about you may be damaging but it is God’s opinion that matters. The name people call you is just an identity, it does not define your essence. The fact that people are laughing at you or insulting you does not make you a loser. Let God have the last word.

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Empowering the Labourers.

Never look down on yourself because the rich harvest of God’s vineyard neither requires already made Saints nor does it asks only for the talented, the outspoken, the educated, the influential or the technologically driven. So long as you are empowered, you too can labour for God.

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Rejoice and Be Glad for Your Names are Written in Heaven

Unlike this man who went home sorrowful, the seventy who had gone out to evangelize carrying no purse, no bag, no sandal came back bursting with joy and excitement. When they were going out, it was like an adventure to them, they must have asked themselves, “How am I going to survive? No purse, no bag, no sandals, no nothing! They must have concluded that Jesus was sending them out to commit suicide. But they obeyed. They followed the warnings. And they came back shocked that even the demons obeyed them. Their great power was in their ability to detach themselves.

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Instead of Pointing Fingers, Look Inwards

Jesus said: “I have not come to call the righteous but sinners.” Am I the kind of righteous person Jesus was referring to? Am I full of myself? Do I judge and condemn others knowing full well my own hypocrisy? Do I see myself as complete, perfect, holy, and immune from mistakes? How often do I take out time to examine my conscience? Am I willing am I to learn from other people’s mistakes or do I consider it more important to publicize these mistakes? Stop pointing fingers, start asking yourself: “If that were me, would I have done better?”

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Never forget the Cries of the Poor

Jesus lived his entire life on earth as a poor man. He was born in a manger and buried in a borrowed tomb. He was so hungry one time that He and His disciples had to go into a corn field to pluck heads of grain and eat even though it was a Sabbath. Jesus was often invited to dine in the homes of the rich but He never sought to enrich himself.

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The Call to Ministry and the Battle of the Flesh

The purpose of our calling as Christians and especially as God’s ministers is to incarnate Christ in our world. As Elijah handed over to Elijah, even the strongest among us would need to be replaced someday. Let us encourage our young ones to respond positively to God’s call. How dark would our world be if there are no ministers or no authentic Christians anymore? However, the truth is that God will never force his calling on anyone. We must also avoid forcing our children into the seminary just for the sake of making a name for our family. It has to come from them. Anyone who has agreed to respond to God’s call must learn to trust God completely and no longer depend on material provisions. This is the symbolic meaning of Elisha’s decision to sacrifice the entire oxen he was working with. And finally, we all have been called to live by the spirit rather than gratifying the desires of the flesh. The minister who fails to practice bodily purity is nothing short of a scandal to the Christian faith preaching one Gospel on the pulpit but preaching something different by his actions.

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The Power of the Sacraments

The fact that one is anointed, chosen, ordained, or consecrated or has received the sacraments does not remove a person’s habits, thoughts, desires, and sinful inclinations.

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The Call to Ministry and Its Implications.

While Ezra, the priest prayed for the people during the evening sacrifice with torn garments (symbolising contrition just like the people of Nineveh did), the twelve disciples are sent to various towns and villages to evangelise. This shows us that ministry involves an active prayer life on one hand and the daily interaction with the people

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Jesus Came to Call Sinners to Repentance

As we celebrate the feast of St. Matthew today, we not only reflect on lessons to be learnt from the manner of his call, we also reflect on the fact that God has called each of us as well through the various gifts and talents he bestowed upon us.

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