Beyond refraining from pointing accusing fingers at others, the season of Lent offers us ample opportunity to pray for the conversion of sinners. Let us become like Jesus to the Levi’s in our world today. Don’t stop condemning evil, but go beyond pointing fingers; show love to sinners, reach out to them, and lead them out of darkness to God’s marvellous light. This is the fasting that God desires.
Read MoreWe often ask ourselves, “Where do I start? What impact will I even make?” Jesus came to save the whole world, and He had only thirty-three years to live on earth, thirty of which were spent in preparation. Today, the work Jesus began is still changing lives. The good you begin today, no matter how small, could snowball into something great; it might even outlive you.
Read MoreJesus did not do guesswork in his choice of the apostles. He didn’t select them according to their good looks or profession. He spent a whole night in prayer, consulting with God, who has plans, before making his choice.
Read MoreWe all possess some inherent goodness. Even as a Tax Collector, Matthew had unique gifts for the ministry. One problem Christians often face is competing with one another rather than collaborating to build up God’s kingdom on earth. God has blessed us with various gifts to let our light shine so that “men may see our good works and give glory to your Father in heaven” (cf. Matthew 5:16). God has not blessed us to outshine one another.
Read MoreAnother way of understanding this parable is to think of the various soils as symbols of the time we devote to studying God’s Word daily. While the seed that fell on the path represents those who do not spend up to five minutes daily meditating on God’s Word, the seed that fell on good soil represents those who spend hours on God’s Word daily.
Read MoreAs ministers of God, we must preach with the examples of our lives. Until we cease to be beneficiaries of corruption like Amaziah, the priest, we cannot speak truth to power. Until we practice the detachment Jesus recommends, no one will take our sermons or communiques seriously. As St. Paul says in today’s second reading, we have been called “to be holy and spotless”, not necessarily to make it big in life. Let us repent from worshipping money, whether as ministers or laity. Let us return to practising the Gospel values and apply poverty of spirit.
Read MoreWinning souls for God (evangelization) is a dangerous business; it is breaking out souls held captive by Satan, who does everything within his power to resist. However, we must never be afraid of whatever Satan throws at us because “even the hairs on our head are numbered.” As missionaries, we are valuable to God and enjoy divine protection. We need not fear those who can only kill the body.
Read MoreMost of us are good at identifying our problems, but we easily become overwhelmed by their magnitude. We either fail to pray or fail to act with faith. Do that which is in your power to do. It may be very small compared to the problem but do it. Let it become a mustard-seed action planted in faith. Jesus came to save the whole world, yet He chose to begin his ministry with only twelve workers.
Read MoreDo you consider the poor as a nuisance, a disturbance, or just dirt that needs to be taken out of your sight? Think twice. As long as someone goes to bed without food this night in your area, you are not safe.
Read MoreIn our first reading today, we see how the people were touched when they heard the word of God read to them by Ezra, the priest. This reading of the Book of the Law would not have been possible without the ground-breaking work of Nehemiah, who rose from the position of cup-bearer to Governor of Judah.
Read MoreThe saying goes that “some give to the mission by going while others go to the mission by giving.” You don’t need to be a priest, a pastor, a prophet, a bishop, etc., to serve God or to contribute to the building of His kingdom on earth. Consider your present occupation as your vocation. Do not only be concerned about your salary; use your connections to promote God’s kingdom.
Read MoreMan’s opinion about you may be damaging, but God’s opinion matters. The name people call you is an identity; it does not define your essence. The fact that people are laughing at you or insulting you does not make you a loser. Let God have the last word. God relates with us based on our potential and not our past. We should, therefore, not allow the past to prevent us from responding to God’s call from within.
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