The Scandal of Disunity among Christians

Last Sunday, we read how the issue of circumcision brought a debate in the church at Antioch between Paul and the men who had come from Judea. Unfortunately, one of the principal sources of disunity among Christians today is arguments over matters of doctrine. In his prayer for unity, Jesus said: “that they may all be one; even as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.” (John 17:21) Disunity among Christians is truly a scandal to non-Christians. One may wonder: Why is it that all Christians are using the same bible yet they never agree among themselves?

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United We Stand; Divided We Fall

If it were possible to summarize the words of Jesus in last Sunday's Gospel passage, it would be John 15:12 which reads: “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” Jesus wants us to continue His mission of saving the world by replicating His sacrificial love, especially for our enemies. In today’s Gospel passage, Jesus prays for us. In this prayer, Jesus expresses His desires for the Church and also reveals our identity and mission further

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Am I a Shepherd or a Thief?

What kind of leader am I? Do I know my sheep by name? Am I concerned about their welfare or is leadership just a job for me (an opportunity for self-aggrandizement)? Do I show favouritism to a section of my sheep?

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