It is one thing to call a person your friend but a different thing for that person to recognize you as his or her friend. God considers us as His friends but the question is: How many of us relate with God as His true friends? In other words, how many of us are faithful to God’s commandments? How many of us love others as much as God loves us?.
Read MorePray, do what you can, and leave the let God do the rest. Having committed a problem in God’s hands, you are not permitted to take it back. Worrying about something you have prayed for already is a sign of doubting what God can do.
Read MoreDo you feel like abandoning your faith because it has become too difficult for you to continue practicing Christian virtues (keeping the commandments of God)? Reflect on St. Paul’s words in today’s second reading. Jesus obeyed even to the point of accepting death but today, the name of Jesus is above every name in heaven and on earth and under the earth and every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess and Jesus Christ is God. Obedience to God might be difficult but the reward is worth more than all the sacrifices.
Read MoreWe find it difficult to obey God’s words because we do not trust God. Deep within us, we do not believe there is any value in keeping God’s commandments. Somehow, we have come to believe the lie of the devil, that by “eating of the fruit” we would not die but our eyes would be open, we would be like God.
Read MoreAspire for sainthood. Place your trust in God. Be detached from worldly goods. God surely knows how to take care of his own.
Read MoreIt is not all that glitters that is gold. Ill-gotten wealth (blood-money) is a curse one places upon his or her head. If you think you will laugh by making others cry, your laughter will soon become mourning and loud lamentation.
Read MoreWhen Peter saw a great catch of fish which he was not expecting to see, he knew this was not about fish; that, he had just encountered God. He fell down immediately at the feet of Jesus saying: “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord.”
Read MoreIf we truly love God, we would trust Him completely. Even when things do not go as we would have preferred, we still continue to allow those words were spoken by Jesus to echo in our minds: “Take heart, it is I; have no fear.”
Read MoreTrust God, take the hard road, harken to His commandments and your peace would be like a river. The only reward of sin is death.
Read MoreWhen you feel scared at any time, take it as a reminder to find a quiet corner and say a prayer to God. Remind Him that He promised to help, then visualize a positive outcome. Hold on as strongly as you can to this new outcome and watch God bring it to pass. Let your Faith counter your Fears.
Read MorePeople will fail us, but God will never fail us. Machines will fail us, pets will fail us, money will fail us, our government will fail us, our religious leaders will fail us but God will never fail.
Read MoreWhen I feel down, when I am tempted to start asking God “Why this or why that?” I always remind myself of this verse: “We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him.” (Romans 8:28).
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