God’s Work is Servant’s Work

Doing God’s work without a sense of humility, that is, without an awareness that you are just an instrument in God’s toolbox is dangerous (you can easily be replaced). Never take the complements or testimonies personally, learn to direct glory to God. In the same way, do not take it personally when you encounter those who express their anger against God through you. You are just a servant, the work is not yours.

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My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?

Do you feel like abandoning your faith because it has become too difficult for you to continue practicing Christian virtues (keeping the commandments of God)? Reflect on St. Paul’s words in today’s second reading. Jesus obeyed even to the point of accepting death but today, the name of Jesus is above every name in heaven and on earth and under the earth and every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess and Jesus Christ is God. Obedience to God might be difficult but the reward is worth more than all the sacrifices.

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Keys to Overcoming Temptations

Just as every sin begins with a temptation, the struggle against sin begins with the ability to know how to deal with temptations. Hence, on this first Sunday of Lent, our Gospel passage narrates how Jesus succeeded in overcoming temptations in the wilderness.

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Avoid Reasoning like the World

Jesus called Peter “Satan” for attempting to dissuade Him from the path of suffering saying “you are not on the side of God but of men.” Do you sometimes wonder how Jesus feels when we begin to reject suffering and pain on the basis of our Christian identity?

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Do Not Lead the Little Ones Astray

Before stepping out of your house, ask yourself: “Is my dressing a source of temptation to others?” Before beginning a conversation with a friend or colleague, ask yourself: “Are my choice of words a source of temptation?” As a parent or an adult, before telling a lie, ask yourself: “What would be the fate of this child when he or she gets to know the truth?”

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Pray For Your Leaders: No One is Above Temptation

How did it happen that Peter could be inspired by the Holy Spirit and within a few minutes still speak under the influence of Satan? I really get scared each time I reflect on this passage. If this can happen to Peter, it can happen to any church leader.

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A Servant is Not Greater Than His Master

A servant can never be greater than the Master. Let us shun every form of pride. Let us avoid taking the glory during “testimony time.” It is God who has done it, we only joined the person to pray, we are not the cause of the miracle and we dare not boast about it. Jesus says: “So you also, when you have done all that is commanded you, say, ‘We are unworthy servants; we have only done what was our duty.’” (Luke 17:10).

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There is always the Last Chance to Repent.

John tells that as soon as Judas ate the morsel of bread, Satan entered him, meaning that his mind was made up. He had chosen money over God. He had literally bowed to Satan for the glories of the world.

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Lent and the Battle against Sin

While Mark does not give us so much detail, he mentions the fact that “angels ministered to Jesus.” When we face temptations, we must never forget to call for help from above. In every temptation, there are angels at your side waiting to celebrate when you say “no” to the devil. Call them to help you; never trust in your own strength. To win the battle against sin, prayer is non-negotiable.

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Yes, I Will; Be Clean

sin is worse than Leprosy and must be treated as such. Leprosy was such a dreaded disease that it was seen as a curse; a disease that only God could cure. In the same way, we must never joke with sin but avoid it all cost. It is true that only God can cure us of our sinfulness but we must first hate sin so much as to break off from our comfort zones to present ourselves to Jesus with complete faith and trust.

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Every Temptation is a Lie: Never Believe the Devil

In every temptation, Satan presents that which we think is lacking in us. To Adam and Eve, Satan presented the possibility of becoming like God. When Jesus was hungry, Satan asked him to turn stones to bread. When you are broke, Satan will tempt you with money. Satan always tries to take advantage of our wants, tastes and expectations.

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Has Your Heart Become Hardened?

It is bad enough that despite our efforts, we still fall but nothing can be more terrible than our refusal to get back on our feet when we fall.

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