Sad times will come; events and circumstances will bring us to our knees. Do not give up on God when the going becomes tough because difficult moments will not last forever. Sirach says: “You who fear the Lord, wait for his mercy; do not stray, or you may fall. You who fear the Lord, trust in him, and your reward will not be lost. You who fear the Lord hope for good things, for lasting joy and mercy.” (Sirach 2:7-9). Jesus says: “For the gate is narrow and the road is hard that leads to life” (Matthew 7:14).
Read MoreIn every temptation, Satan tries to disprove what God has said; he makes us doubt God, and then he goes further to make us believe that there is something we stand to gain by disobeying God’s instructions, such as the pleasure we hope to get, the excitement of it all, the fun it promises, the hope of becoming richer, more beautiful, more powerful, and connected, and so on. When we listen to the devil, we start seeing God’s commandments as restrictions rather than as keys to our happiness and fulfilment.
Read MoreThe devil will never tempt you with something you don’t want. Hence, we cannot completely blame the devil for our fall. For instance, Adam and Eve fell because they wanted to be like God. The devil exploits our desires (whether good or bad) by offering shortcuts.
Read MoreNo matter what your past has been, you can begin anew. Today is your last chance. Today is the day you repent, return and renew your covenant with God. Today is when you examine your conscience and introspect how well you have been living your baptismal commitments.
Read MoreSin is not just an offence against God; it is an offence against myself. As long as I do not live by God’s instructions, I can never become all that God desires for me. When a doctor tells you to choose between your favourite meal and death, I bet you will start hating that meal. To live above sin, we must hate sin. If our hatred for sin is not strong, we may abstain for a while only to return.
Read MoreSt. Paul tells us today: “Do not yield your members to sin as an instrument, but yield yourselves to God.” There is an extent to which a slave would give trouble that the master will have no choice but to let the slave go. You only become a slave when you stop resisting and give up the struggle.
Read MoreDo not be deceived into thinking that demons do not exist. It is foolish to deny the power and workings of demons. However, there is no need to fear them when we know that “He that is in us is greater than he that is in the world.” (Cf. 1 John 4:4).
Read MoreWhen faced with a temptation, it will do us well to say this phrase repeatedly: “I am light; I cannot hide.” Indeed, as St. Paul says, the safest life is to “live in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ.” (Philippians 1:27).
Read MoreDo not assume your righteousness exempts you from testing. As St. Paul says: “We rejoice in our sufferings (testing, temptations etc.), knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us.” (Romans 5:3-5) Going through a tough time? Remain steadfast. Don’t give in to sin. Don’t give up on God.
Read MoreTrust God and obey His word. Trust your parents (your elders, your teachers, etc.) and keep to their instructions. It might seem hard for you to just be good but I tell you, this is the shortest cut to success in life. This is what Moses teaches us in today’s first reading. Give heed to the statutes and the ordinances… that you may live and take possession of the land… God means well by giving us the commandments.
Read MoreI like how Matthew concludes today’s Gospel passage: “Then the devil left him, and behold, angels, came and ministered to him.” There is nothing as sweet as overcoming temptation. Each time we defeat the devil, we are visited by Angels and the consolation they bring always far outweighs whatever fun or pleasure the devil had promised us if we sin. Meanwhile, if we agree to the lies of the devil, we soon realize within a short time, like Adam and Eve did that we were deceived.
Read MoreHaving realized what they had done, Adam and Eve became ashamed and hid away from God. Their eyes had become open and they suddenly felt unworthy of God’s presence, they died to innocence. They could no longer approach God freely as before. God can never lie; He wasn’t joking when He said they would die if they ate of the forbidden tree.
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