Jesus did not only prove that He is God, He also taught us that our bodies are temples. If a water of blessing issues from God’s sanctuary (as Ezekiel describes) and I am a temple of God, what kind of water issues from my sanctuary? Am I a blessing to the world? Have I abused my temple as the chief priests did to the Jerusalem temple?
Read MoreThe saying goes that “some give to the mission by going while others go to the mission by giving.” You don’t need to be a priest, a pastor, a prophet, a bishop, etc., to serve God or to contribute to the building of His kingdom on earth. Consider your present occupation as your vocation. Do not only be concerned about your salary; use your connections to promote God’s kingdom.
Read MoreIs it a time for you to dwell in your panelled houses while this house lies in ruins? Now, therefore, thus says the Lord of hosts: Consider how you have fared. You have sown much and harvested little; you eat, but you never have enough; you drink, but you never have your fill
Read MoreIf the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing, the question is: “Are there still good men in our country today? What exactly are you doing to end corruption? How zealous are you for righteousness?” The book of Sirach in today’s first reading says: “I resolved to live according to wisdom, and I was zealous for good, and I shall never be disappointed.” (Sirach 51:18).
Read MoreUnlike the fig tree, Jesus did not curse the temple; instead, he restored its original purpose by driving out those buying, selling, and scattering their tables. If we must bear fruits, we must constantly look inwards and cleanse ourselves of those things within us that God hates. At the end of each day, take some moments to examine your conscience and find out if there are things to be thrown away or built upon.
Read MoreThe letter to the Hebrews teaches us that God subjected everything in the world to us. “What is man that you are mindful of him, or the son of man, that you care for him? You made him for a little while lower than the angels, you have crowned him with glory and honour, putting everything in subjection under his feet. Now in putting everything in subjection to him, he left nothing outside his control.” (Hebrews 2:6-8).
Read MoreToday, we are called to do a cleansing of our minds and hearts. We are called to make a whip of cords and search through our lives for any sinful inclination or vice that pollutes the temple of our bodies.
Read MoreAs we struggle to make progress in our spiritual lives every day, let us realize that every step we make in the right direction pisses off the devil more and more. This is a truth clearly hidden from the worldly-minded; a truth which St. Paul says in our first reading, always sounds like mere gibberish to the unspiritual man.
Read MoreGod did not prevent the apostles from being arrested but He rescued them from prison. Sometimes, it may look as though our enemies are succeeding but God always has a plan. Be patient. By freeing the apostles from prison, God made it clear to the high priest and his companions that nothing, not even the prison chains can stop the message of salvation from reaching the ends of the earth.
Read MoreGod dwells in a special way in the temple. That is why Jesus would go to the temple to drive out the money changers saying: “My House (that is, God’s dwelling place) shall be a house of prayer…” (Matthew 21:13).
Read MoreTo say a building or any object at all is dedicated to God is to say such can never be used for any other purpose other than for God. This is because, by the act of dedication, the presence of God has been invoked upon such.
Read MoreIsn’t it high time we cleansed our temples from profit-making enterprises? Isn’t it high time we cleansed our hearts from the love of money which hides under the false pretext of serving God? Isn’t it high time we stopped flocking around self-acclaimed miracle workers as if we need Jesus to constantly prove himself to us over and over again?
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