Yes, friends walk away from your life, and even your closest allies fail you, but the family remains to the very end. Even when others betray and deny you, somehow you feel at peace because you know your family has your back. In today’s Gospel passage, Jesus says: “Whoever does the will of God is my brother, sister, and mother.” (Mark 3:35). Considering what Dolly Patton says about family, Jesus’ statement cannot be taken for granted.
Read MoreRemember that song: “When Jesus is in the family, happy home, happy home…” When Mary and Joseph noticed that Jesus was not with them, they didn’t even sit down to rest till the next day. They immediately began a very tedious journey back to Jerusalem. Dear friends, it is not too late if Jesus is not in your family. Thank God you are now in Jerusalem. Please, as you leave today, take Jesus with you.
Read MoreZachariah was given a writing tablet to name his child. His relatives wanted him to name the child Zechariah. However, his silence helped him remember the Angel’s words: “Do not be afraid, Zechariah, for your prayer, has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you will name him John. You will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth.” (Luke 1:13-14).
Read MoreToday’s celebration serves one purpose: to make us think of heaven and increase our longing for heaven. Don’t just be a Christian; strive to be an exceptional Christian; live according to the beatitudes, and follow what today’s Psalm says—generations after you will continue to celebrate you. Your name will be heard on the lips of many long after you have gone. This is what it means to live forever.
Read MoreSaul did not fear disobeying God’s instructions because he felt greater than Samuel. David’s anointing was to teach Saul a lesson – to show him that the same anointing that brought him to glory could function in others. Regardless of your office today, never forget you are dust.
Read MoreObedience is difficult. It involves doing the will of another rather than yours. Sometimes, God’s instructions may not make sense yet; it is at such moments that our faith is tested. It didn’t make sense to Saul to destroy all those beautiful things he saw in the land of Amalek. Saul did not know it was a test.
Read MoreThe saying goes, ‘When the student is ready, the master appears.’ We must be ready for God with hearts positively disposed to listen like Samuel, who said: “Speak Lord, your servant is listening.” He didn’t say: “Please, stop disturbing me. Can’t you see I am trying to sleep?”
Read MoreOne word that perfectly describes unmerited favour is GRACE. It is God answering the prayers we never said, connecting us with people we never dreamt of, taking us to heights we never knew, and filling us with riches we never worked for. Your life can change in just one day.
Read MoreEven if you are not involved, blame yourself. Ask these questions: “What if it is my fault that so and so happened? Where did I go wrong? What should I have done better?” These questions are particularly helpful if you are determined not to repeat the mistakes of others.
Read MorePrayer is not all about informing God of our needs and problems (as if He does not already know). Prayer is a relationship, a dialogue. As we talk, we must listen because God speaks to us when we come into His presence.
Read MoreHannah was willing to give something to God in exchange for what she was asking for. Her prayer was her vow. When we pray, we should not simply concern ourselves with what we are to gain from God; we should also be willing to give back something to God. Even in the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus told us that we should not expect forgiveness of our sins when we refuse to forgive others.
Read MoreDear friends, let us examine our hearts. Are there promises you made to God when things were rough for you, yet long after God heard your prayer, you refused to fulfil your part? Do you even remember God when things are going well for you? Are you currently going through a storm? Don’t worry; storms do not last forever. Keep telling yourself, “This too shall pass.” Tough times don’t last, but tough people do.
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