The Wedding Banquet Has Begun; Get Dressed.

Why would tenants be bold enough to kill the servants sent to collect their rent? Why would guests turn around to kill the servants sent to remind them of the banquet? These parables highlight injustice and wickedness in people's hearts, yet Jesus is speaking directly to us in them because we are those tenants; we are the guests. This brings us to our lessons for today.

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Repentance Moves God

You might ask: “Why can’t I sit in my room and beg for God’s forgiveness?” If we want to deal with sin, we must be willing to talk about it to others. The people of Nineveh did not sit in their rooms to ask for God’s forgiveness. They publicly humiliated themselves and proclaimed a fast from the greatest to the least.

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Repentance From Sin is the Ultimate Miracle

Dear friends, repentance from sin is the ultimate miracle. If we must take from God, it is only right that we give back to God. What does God want from us? The holiness of life, purity of heart, truthfulness, righteousness, virtue, obedience, repentance from our bad habits and vices.

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Do Not Begrudge God’s Generosity

God’s generosity may be seen as “injustice”, but who would survive if God treated us according to our sins? Why do we point fingers at others, forgetting that our so-called goodness is only by God’s grace? Imagine you were the thief who got this express ticket to heaven, the prodigal son, or the worker hired very late; wouldn’t you be happy? How would you respond to those angry with God, saying you do not deserve such love?

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What Treasures Do You Have in Your Heart?

Our actions, like fruits, are the consequences of the tree that grows in us (our thoughts and desires). Do you want your life to produce good fruits? Start by sincerely examining your conscience. To pull out a tree, you must acknowledge its presence. Sometimes, we judge others, yet when faced with the same temptations, we do worse than those we condemn.

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What to do When You are Offended

Some persons may be offended but refuse to let their offenders know. Pretending to smile with someone while carrying bitterness in your heart against them is dangerous and unchristian. No wonder Jesus says we must ensure you reconcile with those who have something against you before presenting your gift. If you are unhappy with me, let me know so I can be more careful and not worsen the injury.

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God is Patient: Repent before it is Too Late

God is patient, but we must not take His patience for granted. Jesus wasn’t speaking in parables when he spoke about the furnace of fire where men will weep and gnash their teeth. Jesus mentioned this “furnace of fire” while explaining the wheat and weeds parable. There comes a time when the reapers will enter the farm and gather the weeds; then, it will be too late. Repent now while it is possible.

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Flee From Hypocrisy; Cleanse Your Temple Everyday

Unlike the fig tree, Jesus did not curse the temple; instead, he restored its original purpose by driving out those buying, selling, and scattering their tables. If we must bear fruits, we must constantly look inwards and cleanse ourselves of those things within us that God hates. At the end of each day, take some moments to examine your conscience and find out if there are things to be thrown away or built upon.

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Save Yourself from This Crooked Generation

Mary Magdalene saw the risen Jesus but she thought he was the gardener. For a moment, she was blind to reality staring her in the face. Jesus visits us daily but we hardly recognize Him. Recall the words of the sixth station of the Cross – “Can you be brave enough to wipe my face? ‘Where is your face?’ you may ask me, and I will answer: ‘In the streets, traffic jams, the remote and dirty villages, wherever suffering exists, my face is there and I look for you to wipe away my blood and tears.”

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Christ Is Risen From The Dead: What Next?

If we all chose to return to our old ways after today, if nothing changes about our lives, if we do not start seeking things above rather than engage in the blind pursuit of money, power and pleasure, then all our Lenten observances would have been in vain. If we do not rise from a life of sin, then it would seem that Christ has not risen from the dead and our proclamation would be empty words.

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Repent From Sin; Let Your Light Shine

Like these women who were not expecting to see Jesus alive, many of us are not expecting to rise with Jesus from a life of sin. Many of us here are not expecting we would shine like this Pascal Candle. That notwithstanding, we must go to the tomb in faith not to anoint the dead body of Christ but to become witnesses to the resurrection of Jesus.

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Today is Your Last Chance

Nothing is hidden from the eyes of God. If you hide your sin, it will eventually expose you. That which you don’t want people to know will be used to remember you after you have gone. Think about this, today is your last chance; repent, reconsider your evil plans, and retrace your steps.

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