Celebrating St. James the Greater

To what extent do I desire heaven? Am I prepared to drink the cup? Am I prepared to deny myself, take up my daily crosses and follow the footsteps of Jesus? On the other hand, am I only concerned about my daily bread? Am I only interested in what I can get from Jesus right now? St. James teaches us to make heaven our priority.

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God is Patient: Repent before it is Too Late

God is patient, but we must not take His patience for granted. Jesus wasn’t speaking in parables when he spoke about the furnace of fire where men will weep and gnash their teeth. Jesus mentioned this “furnace of fire” while explaining the wheat and weeds parable. There comes a time when the reapers will enter the farm and gather the weeds; then, it will be too late. Repent now while it is possible.

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Innocent as Doves, but Wise as Serpents

“How can Christians survive in a world that hates them?” Jesus recommends two things: One, to be wise like a snake, and Two, to be innocent as a dove. This is one of Jesus’ classical parables. And there could be more than one interpretation of the snake-dove analogy.

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A Rich Harvest But Only a Few Labourers

Dear friend, do you constantly complain about others? Or are you a Jacob who knows how best to take advantage of whatever may be their situation? When did you last ask for a blessing from your parents or an older person?

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When Prayers Make Sense

The first thing we must do before we start praying is to place ourselves in the presence of God and realise that all our prayers are directed at God, not at those listening to us. Even if we use a microphone, we are not praying to people; we are praying to God. Yes, we may be praying for people, but it is God we are talking to.

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How to Live a Victorious Christian Life

Jesus is not asking us to allow people to override us; He wants us to fight in the right place. The real enemy is not the one who struck you in one cheek but who comes to steal, kill and destroy. (John 10:10) Love your neighbour as yourself but fight on your knees. Fight with an active prayer life. Fight with praises like Paul and Silas, who sang even in prison.

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In Moments of Joy, Do Not Forget to Pray

Despite the partying, drinking, and dancing of the marriage ceremonies, Tobias was not carried away; he remembered to pray. When it was time to be intimate with Sarah, Tobias said: “Sister, get up and let us pray.” How many of us remember to pray when we are excited or in love? Growing up, we were taught how to pray before eating any meal. This lesson should apply to all kinds of meals.

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In Moments of Sorrow, Surrender to God in Prayer

Ending your life does not solve any problem; it only gives your enemies a chance to celebrate. We all experience sad and painful moments, but the key to victory is prayer. Surrender your problems to God, and He will not disappoint you. Sing: “Leave it for God, don’t worry yourself, leave it for God, don’t cry anymore. He understands what you are going through. Let Him defend His name.”

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Lord, Let Me See Again!

Prayer is powerful, but it is not magic. When we pray, we do not exercise power and authority over God; we beg from Him. We may not always get a “yes” from God, but our prayers are never wasted. Jesus heard Bartimaeus calling, but to test him, Jesus continued to walk along. Many told Bartimaeus to keep quiet, but he shouted all the more. He would not allow the crowd to discourage him.

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Surviving as a Sheep amid Wolves

Jesus does not pray that we should be taken out of the world. Jesus prays that we should be protected from the evil one. Even though we wrestle against principalities and powers (Ephesians 6:12), we are rest assured of God’s protection. We do not wrestle as victims but as victors, because Jesus has already overcome the world (John 16:33). Do not fear.

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The Power of the Upper Room

Dear friends, every time we celebrate the Mass, we join Jesus and His disciples in the Upper Room; the place where God comes to meet ordinary humans. It is important to mention that it was in this same Upper Room that the Holy Spirit came upon the apostles on the day of Pentecost. When next you are present at mass, know that you are in the Upper Room; the most powerful room on earth.

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Have Confidence in Prayer

The deeper your confidence in the power and effectiveness of even a single line of prayer, the more you see the result in your life. Make sure you reflect on every word you utter during prayer, know that whatever you say is heard by God; know that prayer works, prayer changes things.

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