God is patient, but we must not take His patience for granted. Jesus wasn’t speaking in parables when he spoke about the furnace of fire where men will weep and gnash their teeth. Jesus mentioned this “furnace of fire” while explaining the wheat and weeds parable. There comes a time when the reapers will enter the farm and gather the weeds; then, it will be too late. Repent now while it is possible.
Read MoreHave I been praying for something for so long that I now fail to realize that God has already answered my prayer? What is it that I am looking down upon now that I ought to be grateful for?
Read MoreUse your talents, opportunities, and life circumstances to spread the word of God. Whenever God so decides to call you, let it be that you can render an account of how you used your life, your gifts, and your talents to win souls for him
Read MoreFaith is what will keep you going despite the failures you encounter along the way. Edison believed in his vision and even when he failed over and over again, he just wouldn’t stop. This is the kind of faith we need to have in God – a faith that continues to believe regardless of whatever failures or disappointments we encounter.
Read MoreConsider a privilege each time you meet someone poor or in need of your help, and treat them with kindness even if they are not strong enough to ask for your help. If you have what you need, remember that whatever is extra doesn’t belong to you. You are blessed to bless others.
Read MoreJesus is teaching us first to think carefully like this steward of what shall become of us after our death (when we are relieved of our stewardship) and secondly, to use “what does not belong to us now” to be charitable to others so that like this steward, we would be welcomed into Paradise.
Read MoreThere are different hearts, the stony heart, the root-less heart, the distracted heart, and the rich heart. There are different ways people respond when they hear the word of God, but the beauty of it all is that the word of God is so powerful that in whatever heart it enters, it does not remain stale. Something must happen.
Read MoreThe essence of the Christian life is COLLABORATION, not COMPETITION. Why engage in a fight with someone who in a few years from now would become dust just like you under the ground? What is the point of boasting or treating people like garbage when we do not know what tomorrow holds?
Read MoreThe question we must ask ourselves today is: “Am I a weed in God’s kingdom?” Let us join Jeremiah in today’s first reading to ask for God’s mercy that we may no longer be weeds but good seed.
Read MoreThose who are good at pointing out the sins of others do not often give time to examining their own lives and as a result, they develop a false sense of self-perfection.
Read MoreYou don’t wait for the rain to start before you get an umbrella. If you can read this message, know that you are not too old to die. Today, ask yourself: “What plans am I making to secure eternal life for myself in heaven?”
Read MoreAn idle mind coupled with an absence of work is the devil’s workshop. Jesus will come again but while we expect Him, we must not forget that He wants to find us busy when He comes. Do you realize that even while Jesus was alive, people were already expecting the world to end? Our focus should be on how we must use the talents, gifts and opportunities available to us.
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