From Shame to Glory

Just as a tree was the source of humanity's downfall in the Garden of Eden, a tree (the cross) was the object upon which Christ redeemed humanity. When Jesus carried the cross, he corrected the mistake of Adam. The tree, a symbol of death for Adam, has now become a symbol of life for humanity.

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Correct Your Leaders But Avoid Disrespect

The Eighth Commandment forbids bearing false witness against others. Even more, the scriptures say: “Touch not my anointed ones, do my prophets no harm!” (1 Chronicles 16:22). We respect our spiritual leaders not because of who they are but because of the office they occupy.

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How lovely is Your Dwelling Place, Lord

The Israelites had the privilege of seeing the glory of God in the form of a thick cloud. If only God could open our eyes to see his glory, ascending and descending upon the Tabernacle, we would not be able to contain ourselves.

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Nothing Else Matters. Nothing Else Has Value

Stay calm when everything is not in place in your life. Say to yourself: “It does not matter.” I may not have any money in the bank, I may not have food in the kitchen, I may not be successful in my business, I may not have any true friends or connections, I may not have a PhD, I may not have built a house, bought a car or married, I may not have children of my own, or achieved anything significant even in life, but it doesn’t matter. The only thing that counts is that I will be found worthy of eternal life if I die.

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Great Leaders are Prayer Warriors

Leadership is not easy, but there is a secret to being successful at it: PRAYER. As a man, Moses was very weak; he lacked physical strength, having passed his young age. He was a meek person. He couldn’t speak coherently and confidently (hence the need for Aaron). The success of his leadership prowess came from his constant meetings with God.

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Today we celebrate three Saints: Mary, Martha and Lazarus, siblings of the same family and friends of Jesus Christ. One day, Lazarus was sick. Mary and Martha sent for Jesus, but He did not show up. In pain and disappointment, Mary and Martha buried Lazarus. It is difficult to speak of faith when faced with serious challenges, when prayers are unanswered or when tragedies strike.

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The Law of the Lord is Perfect

Our Responsorial Psalm today sings: “The Law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul; the decree of the Lord is trustworthy, giving wisdom to the simple. The precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; the command of the Lord is clear, enlightening the eye… They are more precious than gold than a heap of purest gold.”

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God will Make a Way

The real impact of slavery is not so much the physical wounds inflicted on people but the psychological destruction it brings within a person. The slave begins to think of himself in such low terms that he craves for and worships his master. This is the stage of surrender! In the presence of his master, he is overcome by fear. This type of fear gripped the Israelites in the presence of Pharaoh. They even asked Moses, “Where there no better tombs in Egypt that you brought us out here to die?”

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Nothing is Difficult when God is Involved.

Like Moses, there are times we become too conscious of the greatness and complexity of our problems that we completely lose sight of the greatness of God. Despite seeing that the bush was burning yet not consumed, Moses still feared Pharaoh. When we pray before God, it is unfortunate that instead of reflecting on God, we reflect on our problems. Instead of contemplating God, we consider our enemies.

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Moses and the Burning Bush

Relying on his strength, Moses fulfilled his passion only to make a costly mistake; he was murdered by killing an Egyptian. When Moses discovered this was not a secret, he fled for his life, which would have been the sad end of his dream. It wasn’t until Moses had grown old and lost every atom of self-confidence that God appeared to him again in the burning bush. This was to teach Moses a lesson in humility.

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Jesus expressed utter disappointment with the towns where most of His miracles had happened because, contrary to His expectations, the people remained stiff-necked in their sinful ways. Jesus performed countless miracles, He even raised the dead to life many times, but one miracle Jesus would not work is forcing anyone to repent. This “miracle” requires your active cooperation.

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The Life That Never Ends

In John 6, Jesus told us: “I am the living bread which came down from heaven; if anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever.” (John 6:51). In this same light, Jesus is saying to us today: “If anyone keeps my word, he will never see death.” (John 8:51).

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