Time has come for us men and women of God to realize that Jesus sent us to preach not to work miracles. Some ministers today have landed themselves in trouble in a bid to satisfy their congregation with at least one miracle or the other during church services forgetting that their primary duty is to preach.
Read MoreToday, our readings present other obstacles to faith which we must avoid such as hostility towards God, familiarity, falsehood and pride. Whether we like it or not, these are factors responsible for the scarcity of miracles in our churches today.
Read MoreDear friends, no matter the reason why we may want to turn our backs on God, the truth is that THERE IS JUST NO ALTERNATIVE. St. Augustine said: “You have made us for yourself O God and our hearts are restless until they rest in you.”
Read MoreIt beats my mind that Jonah didn’t even ask them to repent. He didn’t say “change your evil ways. Be good children of God. Stop sinning, etc.” Jonah just went about the city announcing doom and destruction: “Only forty days from now and Nineveh would be destroyed…”
Read MoreSomehow, we tend to shut Jesus out of our homes, we refuse to allow him to enter our space. The moment we leave the church premises and return home, we pull off our Christianity along with our Church attire and change into something else; we begin to behave like strangers to the faith.
Read MoreMonday 11th May 2020. Read Acts 14:5-18, Psalm 115 and John 14:21-26 “He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him” John 14:21.
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