The Contents of Your Heart Determine the Quality of Your Life.

Wash the inside of your cup. Believe that you can do without sin. Make efforts like the men who brought their paralytic friend to Jesus through the roof. Let Jesus see your faith and He would reward you with grace to overcome temptation. Don’t look down on yourself.

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Hatred is Blindness

Just as one cannot walk far in the night when it is dark, we cannot go far in life with hatred in our hearts. The person you hate right now may be your saving grace tomorrow. Hatred is a sign of unforgiveness and a betrayal of our Christian faith.

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Will You Also Go Away? Taste and See that the Lord is Good.

One question I often ask myself is: “After walking away from Jesus, did the crowd eventually find the bread they were looking for?” If you consider the commandments of God as too difficult to keep or as a hindrance to your happiness, will you find happiness by worshipping the devil?

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Unless You Eat and Drink the Flesh and Blood, You Have No Life in You

With constant Holy Communion, you just cannot miss heaven. This is why Jesus gave it to us in the first place. Jesus knows that we are humans, flesh and blood, weak creatures. He knows that left to our own strength and willpower, we cannot resist sin. He knows we would need supernatural strength all the time so Jesus decided to give us Himself in Holy Communion. Without communion, you have no life in you.

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The Reality of Our Resurrection

Are you being persecuted for your good works? Does it seem as if your enemies are succeeding? Just relax. God knows how to fight for His own and if it is His will, be assured of a better life awaiting you in heaven. Dream of heaven, imagine how life would be over there. Take your gaze off this world with all its crazy ups and downs; look forward to heaven.

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Jesus, the Way, the Truth and the Life

Sunday 10th May 2020. Acts 6:1-11, Psalm 33, 1st Peter 2:4-9 and John 14:1-12 “Let not your hearts be troubled; believe in God, believe also in me… And when I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also” (John 14:1-3).

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