Right there on the cross, Jesus was able to summon the courage to say: “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” (Luke 23:34). In praying like this, Jesus proved himself as the “Son of David” – a man who had the chance of killing his persecutor, Saul but refused. In praying for forgiveness for His enemies, Jesus gave us, His followers, an example. In words and deeds, Jesus, by His very life, taught us to love our enemies.
Read MoreThe next time you utter these words: “I love you”, make sure your definition of love aligns with what St. John describes in today’s first reading. Be sure that you are ready to die for this person, even if all you get back is hatred. On the other hand, if your definition of love is: “I want you” or “I want what you have”, you are only deceiving yourself.
Read MoreWhat is my attitude to the sick and the old? When was the last time I visited my aged parents or relatives? Am I the type who only helps people when asked, or do I put myself in the shoes of those in need like Mary? During this season of Christmas, one virtue we must learn to cultivate is kindness. God was so kind to us in sending us His Son, Jesus Christ; Mary was kind to Elizabeth by going to visit and help her. Your Christmas will not be complete if you fail to be kind to your fellow brothers and sisters, especially the sick, the old and the needy.
Read MoreJesus calls them “unmarked graves, on which people walk over without realising it” (Luke 11:44). What makes a person an unmarked grave? St. Paul answers this question in today’s first reading by listing these characteristics: “fornication, impurity, licentiousness, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, anger, selfishness, dissension, party spirit, envy, drunkenness, carousing, and the like.” (Galatians 5:19-21).
Read MoreBe kind to people based on their needs, not their skin colour, state of origin, language, or tribe. The Samaritan went out of his way to help this man even though it was forbidden for a Samaritan to associate with a Jew. Jesus wants us to be kind, especially to those who hate us, those who practice a different religion, and those who may never repay our love.
Read MoreBy citing examples of Thaddeus and Judas the Galilean, Gamaliel compared Jesus to rabble-rousers who had previously claimed to be Messiahs. For Gamaliel and the council members, it would be a miracle if the church survived a few years. Two thousand years later, this miracle is still ongoing. Similarly, when Andrew told Jesus about the lad with five loaves and two fish, he didn’t see how it would be enough to feed the multitude.
Read MoreDear friends, there is no limit to God's forgiveness. “No matter what your past has been, you begin anew.” God’s mercy endures forever. Despite all that was done to Jesus, He did not even wait to die before forgiving his enemies. Right on the cross, Jesus said: “Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do.” (Luke 23:34).
Read MoreThere is only one criterion for entering paradise: kindness to the least person (the smallest, weakest, poorest, youngest, unimportant), the poor, the hungry, the thirsty, the naked, the homeless, the sick, and the imprisoned.
Read MoreAvoid following the crowd. Your fasting should be between you and God. Am I fasting because it is fasting season (or because I see others fasting)? What exactly do I hope to achieve by my fasting? Don’t fast if you have no prayer intention (purpose), lest you constantly check the time. This is self-deception.
Read MoreSometimes God tests us by putting our enemies in our hands. Revenge is not as sweet and glamorous as we see in the movies; killing your enemies makes no sense because it will not restore what they have taken away from you. If you treat your enemies the same way they treated you, it means you would have done worse if you were in their shoes
Read MoreThere are so many essential points in Archangel Raphael’s message today: 1. Always acknowledge and reveal the works of God. 2. The Importance of kindness to others. “Do good and evil will not overtake you.” (Tobit 12:7). 3. Effective Prayer. “Prayer is good when accompanied by fasting, almsgiving, and righteousness.” (Tobit 12:8).
Read MoreTruly, when our desire to know God increases in our hearts when we are open to His Word and make efforts to read the Bible, we should bear in mind that such actions do not go unnoticed in heaven. God takes note of every firm resolution we make.
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