When We Deny Jesus, We are Antichrists

We are against Jesus (anti-Christ) when we refuse to allow Christ’s words to govern our thoughts and actions. We are antichrists when, as men of God, we mislead our flock or fail to practice what we preach. We deny Christ when we refuse to use our position to advance the Gospel. John the Baptist rose to a certain position of social influence. He had become popular, attracting large crowds.

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Silence Refines Our Hearts

Let us learn to be silent, even if it is just for a few minutes every day. And as we celebrate Christmas, it would help to play Zechariah by taking time for quiet reflection.

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God is with Us

The point in today’s messages is simple: Jesus is God in the midst of people. We have no reason to doubt that Jesus is the Promised Messiah. Every prophecy about Jesus came to pass, even those made thousands of years before he was born. We do not need any further proof. Jesus is Truly God.

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Obedience: The Key to Prosperity

In today’s first reading, God says: “O that you had paid attention to my commandments! Then your prosperity would have been like a river.” In other words, if only we would trust God enough to keep His commandments, we would find the desired prosperity. Jesus would later throw more light on this point when He said: “Seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you” (Matthew 6:33).

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Fear Not, God Will Help You

Christmas reminds us that amid everything that frightens us, God is still with us. This is the meaning of the name “Emmanuel.” God knows how difficult it is to live a good life or to speak truth to others. Hence, He came to be with us. When your life is threatened, read today’s first reading and try to feel God holding your right hand and leading you on.

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The valleys to be lifted represent the good things we ought to do that we have failed to do. The mountains and hills to be made low are our bad habits, sinful inclinations and evil deeds that must be removed to allow the baby Jesus to enter our lives.

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Lessons From the Life of Saint Andrew

Andrew was the first person to be called by Jesus to be His disciple. In John’s Gospel, Andrew was one of the two disciples of John the Baptist who left him to follow Jesus. This was after John the Baptist announced: “Behold, the Lamb of God!” Lesson One: Andrew did not doubt John the Baptist; he had not seen Jesus before or witnessed any miracle but believed. Andrew is a Man of Faith

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Dealing with Criticism

Jesus’ critics called him a glutton and a friend of tax collectors. In response, Jesus said: “All her children justify Wisdom.” Actions speak louder than words. A footballer once wrote on his Twitter handle: “Those who know do not criticise, and those who criticise do not know.” Do not be too quick to criticise others or to believe the negative tales you hear.

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The Head of John the Baptist

Herod was not thinking straight when he promised even half his kingdom to a little girl. What if she had asked for his head? Think before you speak. Be a master of your emotions. In moments of anger, hold it. In moments of excitement, hold it also. Learn the habit of speaking to God and hearing from him before talking. Avoid making promises.

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Contentment: The Surest Way to Be Happy

Regardless of how wealthy a person may be, their wealth means nothing to them as long as they lack contentment. The true definition of poverty is not how little one has but one’s degree of contentment. You are rich as long as you are content with what you have and can count your blessings.

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Think Before You Speak or Act

One lesson from today’s Gospel passage is to avoid making promises or talking too much when we are happy or intoxicated (under alcohol). While drinking alcohol is not a sin, we must be responsible for whatever we do or say afterwards. Herod could not return his words when he realised the girl asked for John the Baptist’s head. She could have also asked for Herod’s head.

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John the Baptist and the Rest of Us

Dear friends, if God knows our name before birth, he knew about us when we were formed in our mother’s womb. Abortion is the greatest act of man’s inhumanity to his fellow man. By killing an unborn baby, we deny them the chance to live out God’s plans. No justification exists for taking anyone’s life, even if it is just a day old in the womb.

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