Avoid indulging the flesh with its cravings all the time. The Letter to the Hebrews says: “Consider him who endured such hostility against himself from sinners, so that you may not grow weary or lose heart. 4 In your struggle against sin, you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood.” (Hebrews 12:3-4). Even Jesus was hostile to himself. Do not be that international footballer who always plays the ball off-course when he has a chance of scoring. Even if avoiding sin requires shedding your blood, it is better to crucify the flesh and its desires than to lose consciousness of sin.
Read MoreJesus cured a demoniac, but in the process, the villagers lost their entire herd of swine. Instead of thanking God that a man had been set free from demonic possession, they mourned over their pigs. Fearing that there might be other demons in the town, they begged Jesus to leave their town. We behave like these people when we push God away instead of counting our blessings. Life is not all about money.
Read MoreMary and Joseph knew that Jesus was God, meaning there was no need to bring the baby Jesus to the temple, but in humility (not wanting to appear like the special ones in their community), they followed the law. They presented God to God. Today’s Second Reading states: “He had to become like his brothers and sisters in every respect, so that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in the service of God, to make a sacrifice of atonement for the sins of the people.” (Hebrews 2:17).
Read MoreLife is a classroom, and your fears are the examination scripts. Naturally, we humans love the place of comfort; we would rather skip the exam and remain where we are, but the truth is that if we truly desire to move to the next level, we have to write our exams; that is, we have to face our fears; we must attempt to see what becomes of us when that which we fear happens.
Read MoreTo be clean of hands and pure of heart means that you do not have any skeletons in your wardrobe. Being clean of hands and pure in heart means you have nothing to hide. By the way, we live in a world where it has become impossible to hide anything. With our latest technological gadgets and devices, one’s entire life history can be dug up in a minute. Jesus tells us in today’s Gospel passage: “For nothing is hidden, except to be made manifest; nor is anything secret, except to come to light.”
Read MoreFrom this parable, we learn one fact: people are different! Never expect everybody to react the same way or behave the same way. In other words, everybody is not like you. While it may seem effortless for you, some people will have to struggle to accomplish what you take for granted.
Read MoreYes, friends walk away from your life, and even your closest allies fail you, but the family remains to the very end. Even when others betray and deny you, somehow you feel at peace because you know your family has your back. In today’s Gospel passage, Jesus says: “Whoever does the will of God is my brother, sister, and mother.” (Mark 3:35). Considering what Dolly Patton says about family, Jesus’ statement cannot be taken for granted.
Read MoreIf Satan succeeds because of his internal unity, we, the body of Christ, should not allow disunity to break us apart. When we are united, it is difficult for anyone to destroy us. Jesus says, “No one can enter a strong man’s house and plunder his goods unless he first binds the strong man.” Is it the case that Jesus is referring to Satan as a strong man? Of course, by strength, Jesus is referring to unity. What makes us strong is our unity.
Read MoreTwo Sundays ago, we celebrated the first mystery of light (the Baptism of Jesus), and last Sunday, we celebrated the second mystery (the self-revelation at the Wedding Feast at Cana). From today until we enter the season of Lent, we will be celebrating the third mystery of light—Jesus’ Proclamation of the Kingdom of God and the call to conversion. In each of these mysteries, we are being enlightened and given more light into Jesus’ true identity as God in the midst of men.
Read MoreYou cannot give what you do not have. Like these disciples, you can only preach the Gospel after you have spent time with Jesus. Show me any good preacher, and I will show you someone who spends time with God’s Word daily. Jesus is still looking for people to continue His mission of saving the world. Pray and study the Bible more if you feel called to be a disciple. Jesus will open your eyes to see many things you never imagined before.
Read MoreWe cannot hide our real identity from the devil and his agents. We cannot pretend to be mighty Christians when our lives are full of hidden sins. Satan laughs at us when we hide under the shadow of pretence. Human beings need signs and wonders to be displayed to believe, and they can be deceived. Satan does not need any of that. He is capable of recognising a true Christian from that who is not.
Read MoreIn today’s Gospel passage, we find the height of this wickedness when the Pharisees watched Jesus to see whether or not He would heal a man with a withered hand on a Sabbath day. Jesus asked them, “Is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good or harm, to save life or kill?” But they were silent. They knew healing this man was not against the Sabbath Law but were too ashamed to admit the truth. Like these Pharisees, we could become blinded by hatred for certain persons and no longer understand the reasons for God’s laws.
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