Two Names; One Person

Like Jesus Christ, we all have two names; one which appears on our certificates and one which defines who we are. Although the names we bear may vary, the kind of life we live must reflect our real identity - Christianity. People should not only call us Christians; they must also see Christ in us.

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How Blessed Are the Humble

There is an African proverb that says, if a child washes his hands very well, he would be invited to seat at the table and eat with elders. In other words, if we are humble, regardless of our size and status, we would be granted access to high places.

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And They Paid Him Thirty Pieces of Silver

I can only imagine the pain Jesus felt in our Gospel passage knowing that someone who shared the same plate with him was going to betray him. This is the pain Jesus feels when we turn God’s house into a money-making enterprise when we tell lies by pronouncing fake prophecies just to gain popularity and wealth.

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