What Happens When God Calls You?

The great catch of fish was a turning point in Peter’s life. He immediately recognised God's presence and confessed his sins. Isaiah had a similar experience in today’s First Reading. Meanwhile, in today’s second reading, St. Paul confesses how he previously persecuted the Church, yet God made him an apostle. Is it the case that God prefers working with individuals with a sinful past? What do we learn from these readings?

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The Word of God and the Living Conditions of the People

Two Sundays ago, we celebrated the first mystery of light (the Baptism of Jesus), and last Sunday, we celebrated the second mystery (the self-revelation at the Wedding Feast at Cana). From today until we enter the season of Lent, we will be celebrating the third mystery of light—Jesus’ Proclamation of the Kingdom of God and the call to conversion. In each of these mysteries, we are being enlightened and given more light into Jesus’ true identity as God in the midst of men.

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Jesus, The Light of the World

The people to whom Isaiah prophesied in our first reading were a people in darkness. Isaiah prophesied that Christ, the world’s light, would dwell in their midst and wipe out the darkness. The Angels announced this to the shepherds who kept watch at night: “For to you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour who is Christ the Lord.”

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Fear Not, Only Believe. God Will Help You

The best remedy for bad fear is prayer. Yesterday, we heard the prophet Isaiah say, “That those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary.” Today, God assures us: “Behold, I will make you into a threshing sledge… I will open rivers on the bare heights and fountains amid valleys; I will make the wilderness a pool of water…”

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God Never Fails

God has never lost a battle. Even now, God is still winning. Those who wait on God (who never give up on prayer) will run and never be weary. They walk and never faint. Do not interpret your present circumstances as a weakness on the part of God. He knows what He is doing. For instance, it may be difficult to believe that failing that exam was God’s gift for you. What if that failure was the fuel you needed to sharpen your skills and motivate you to discover your true potential?

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Rethinking Our Attitude Toward Sinners

In today’s Gospel passage, we hear Jesus describe Himself as a shepherd who abandons the ninety-nine in search of the lost sheep. Even though the sheep deserves to be punished for going astray, the shepherd’s attitude depicts pity, care, and concern. In other words, by taking our human flesh, Jesus brings to pass the prophecy of Isaiah. As if it wasn’t bad enough to risk the ninety-nine in search of the lost sheep, most of us reject the shepherd who has left everything to look for us.

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According to Your Faith

Jesus asked the two blind men: “Do you believe I can do this?” Whenever you go on your knees to pray, picture God asking you this question, and please answer it sincerely. Was this question necessary? Jesus needed to ask them because the truth is that not all those who cry and shout in prayer have faith. Not all those who say “Lord, Lord” will enter God’s kingdom.

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Put Your Trust in God

Many of us claim to trust God, but our actions betray this trust. Actions speak louder than words. If we trust God, our actions will show it. In today’s Gospel passage, Jesus told us: “It is not those who say ‘Lord, Lord’ who will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the person who does the will of my Father in heaven.” If we trust God, we will obey Him. For instance, God says: “Do not steal.” (Seventh Commandment). To obey this commandment and avoid stealing, you must trust that God will provide your needs.

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God Never Fails

Today, our Responsorial Psalm describes God as a shepherd who never lets his sheep down. A shepherd who gives his sheep repose along fresh and green pastures; a shepherd who guides the sheep along the right path; a shepherd who never abandons his sheep even when they walk through the shadow of death, and a shepherd who prepares a table for the sheep even in the presence of the enemies.

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Nigeria: A Nation in Need of Repentance

Nigeria is ranked as one of the most religious countries in the world. However, Isaiah’s prophecy about Isreal is true of Nigeria – “these people draw near with their mouths and honour me with their lips, while their hearts are far from me.” (Isaiah 29:13). Nigeria is a nation badly in need of repentance. If Jonah were to visit Nigeria today, his message would be simple: “Forty days more, and Nigeria shall be overthrown!” (Jonah 3:4). This is a message we must hear as we celebrate our independence today.

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Christianity is Not Milk and Honey: Beware of False Theologies

Jesus tells us today, “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me” (Mark 8:34). Whether we like it or not, Christianity involves self-denial, self-discipline, suffering, embracing lack, and giving away one’s life for Christ’s sake. As powerful as the cross, so powerful are those pains, insults, ridicule, and shame we must put up with for the sake of our Christian Faith.

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I Desire Mercy, Not Sacrifice

God knows how it feels to be so hungry that you begin to chew paper (or anything that meets your eye). Whether we like it or not, there is hunger in our country today; people are ready to do anything to survive. We may want to judge them like the Pharisees who condemned Jesus and his disciples. However, before pointing fingers at anybody, ask yourself: “What have I done to help?”

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