When we are guilty, the truth sounds like an insult or a personal attack. This happens because God’s Word is alive. It is sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing until it divides soul from spirit, joints from marrow; it can judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Truth, like medicine, is bitter, but it brings healing. Instead of fighting it, accept its bitterness, and it will set you free (cf. John 8:32)
Read MoreWhat made the people hostile to Jesus? Was it that they did not recognise His superior wisdom? No. Their hostility was a result of their familiarity with Jesus. They took offence at Jesus because they knew him simply as the carpenter’s son; they did not recognise His Divinity. Unlike Jairus, who fell on his feet in worship before Jesus (while asking for his daughter’s healing), these people considered Jesus an impostor.
Read MoreInspired by their faith, some persons brought a paralysed man to Jesus. Matthew reports that Jesus ‘saw’ their faith. This means faith in God is visible in our actions before or after praying. A certain village experienced drought for some years. The elders met and decided the entire village would gather in the market square on a certain day to pray for rain. As they were about to begin the prayer, they noticed that only one little girl came with an umbrella. They had all come to pray for rain, but only this girl was expecting rain.
Read MoreHow on earth did Paul and Barnabas cure the cripple? First, they began by preaching the Word. As they preached, Paul looked at the cripple and “seeing he (the cripple) had faith to be made well, said in a loud voice: ‘Stand upright on your feet.’ He sprang up and walked.” (Acts 14:9-10). The cripple contributed to his miracle because he had faith.
Read MoreLife combines good and bad times, and there is no escaping the bad times. If you cannot endure the bad times, you won’t be around to enjoy the good times. If Peter had walked away from Jesus when He taught about the Eucharist, would he perform signs and wonders in Joppa?
Read MorePeter prayed in the name of Jesus Christ because he believed in the resurrection. Peter knew that Jesus Christ was fully alive and that Jesus was right there with him. When Peter saw the lame man begging at the beautiful gate, he remembered Jesus healed the sick, raised the dead and freed many of their predicament. Peter knew what Jesus would have done upon seeing the lame man at the beautiful gate.
Read MoreIn their frustration, the two disciples met Jesus on the way but could not recognise him. They complained: “We had hoped that he was the one to redeem Israel.” (Luke 24:21). In other words, they were hoping that Jesus would overthrow the Roman authorities (their colonial masters) and become King of Israel. Jesus said to them: “O foolish men…” Why did Jesus call them foolish?
Read MoreGood Friday shows God understands our pains. He knows what it feels like to love and be rejected, to be betrayed, angry, hungry, insulted, dissatisfied, sick, weak, or sorrowful. Good Friday teaches us that Jesus once felt whatever you were going through today.
Read MoreJesus warned the man who had been cured to avoid sin so that nothing worse would happen to him. What else could be worse than suffering for thirty-eight years? What else could be worse than spending half of your lifespan in pain, discomfort, and misery? This is exactly what sin does to us.
Read MoreThose who accused Jesus of casting out demons by the power of Beelzebub believed in Beelzebub’s power. Some Christians are quick to ascribe misfortunes to the devil’s power but find it very hard to believe that God is capable of protecting them or granting their prayers.
Read MoreFrom a spiritual perspective, we may define leprosy as a sin, given that it is not only deadly but also highly contagious. Hence, Jesus warned: "Temptations to sin are sure to come; but woe to him by whom they come!"
Read More“Hard times create strong men; strong men create easy times. Easy times create weak men; weak men create difficult times.” These words, to a large extent, capture the story of David, Solomon and Jeroboam.
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