Some Christians say: “I just want to serve God and mind my business. I don’t need anybody. Let everyone be on their own.” Are we serving God when we are indifferent to the problems others are facing around us? In Luke 10:25-36, Jesus told the story of a man who was robbed and beaten to a pulp while travelling alone. A priest and a Levite saw this man half-dead and continued their way, but a Samaritan stopped, took him to an inn and treated his wounds. Which of these three worshipped God?
Read MoreThe world prefers darkness to light. Evil is always more attractive than good. If you are not experiencing opposition from the world, it means there is nothing about you that points to Christ; you are not a threat to the kingdom of darkness because they see you as one of theirs.
Read MoreSometimes God tests us by putting our enemies in our hands. Revenge is not as sweet and glamorous as we see in the movies; killing your enemies makes no sense because it will not restore what they have taken away from you. If you treat your enemies the same way they treated you, it means you would have done worse if you were in their shoes
Read MoreToday, Jesus wants us to know He is more pleased with our reconciliation with others than our offertories. Just as our gifts to God are expensive, forgiveness is also costly. Forgiving others is painful if the person refuses to admit their fault. However, this pain is worth it because it is pleasing to God.
Read MoreWe are a mysterious people. We always forgive those who hurt us. We turn the other cheek when someone slaps us on one side. We let others have their way and we pray for God’s blessings rather than heap curses on our haters. (Cf. Matthew 5:38-39). This is how we melt the hearts of our enemies. This is the principle that has made our religion spread all over the world and continue to grow in leaps and bounds.
Read MoreJesus tells us today: “If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father's commandments and abide in his love. These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full. This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” (John 15:10-12)
Read MoreToday’s readings were carefully selected by the Church because we are coming to the end of a liturgical year. Jesus tells us that there would be wars, tumults, terrorism, earthquakes, famines, pestilences and so on, but despite all these things, “do not be terrified.” Relax, and go about your daily activities, earn your daily bread, but in all you do, make sure you “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness” (Matthew 6:33)
Read MoreForgiveness is one virtue that enables us to resemble Christ more. No matter what others may have done to us, no matter what they may have taken away from us, no matter what privileges they may have denied us, if we do not forgive, we are not yet Christians. We don’t forgive because the person who has offended us deserves it, we forgive because of our Faith in Christ Jesus who was able to forgive the very persons who executed Him on the Cross of Calvary. It does not make sense (humanly speaking) to forgive, but it takes a Christian to forgive. Remember, as Christians, we do not operate according to human wisdom, but Divine Wisdom.
Read MoreIn the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said: “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be children of your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:43-45). That is to say; our unique identity as Christians is that we are a people who love those who hate them. We are a mysterious people. We always forgive those who hurt us. We turn the other cheek when someone slaps us on one side. We let others have their way and we pray for God’s blessings rather than heap curses on our haters. (Cf. Matthew 5:38-39). This is how we melt the hearts of our enemies. This is the principle that has made our religion spread all over the world and continue to grow in leaps and bounds.
Read MoreJesus tells us today: “If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father's commandments and abide in his love. These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full. This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” (John 15:10-12)
Read MoreWatch out for any form of hatred in your heart. Why do you hate your fellow human being? Is it because of what they did to you or just because they are more popular than you? Could it be because this person is better than you in your workplace or business environment? Rather than trying to bring this person down by all means, why not go to him or her like Nicodemus to learn, why not go and ask them how they are able to do better than you? If they tell you, would you be willing to do it?
Read MoreIn asking us to be perfect, Jesus wants us to be like God who takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked but rejoices at their repentance. Jesus wants us to pray for our enemies, that God would touch their hearts and bring about their conversion.
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