Throw Away Doubts and Your Fears Will Vanish

When Peter and the other apostles gave up their doubts (about Jesus’ resurrection), they became completely different persons; they were no longer afraid of anybody. Even the chief priests and religious leaders became scared of them. They wondered how “uneducated, common men” could be so bold and powerful (even performing miracles). No wonder St. Paul said timidity is not a gift of the Holy Spirit.

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Fear Not; Go and Announce the Good News

When Jesus told the women to tell his brothers to go to Galilee, Jesus meant that his brothers should move from unbelief to faith. Dear friends, we do not need visas to go on a pilgrimage to this special Galilee. As long as we have hearts ready to welcome Jesus like the Galileans and truly believe, we will see Jesus.

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The Envy and Fear of the Jews

Like Herod, who killed all the male children born at the time for fear of a rival king, the chief priests and Pharisees couldn’t stomach the idea of Jesus replacing them. Are there people I wish dead because they are far better than me (in school, business, career, church work, etc.)? Do I feel threatened by others’ progress?

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Don’t Be a Slave Because of Fear

The Jews were determined to kill Jesus (just as Nebuchadnezzar wanted to kill the boys), not knowing that death was not the end but only the beginning of a greater life. The three Hebrew boys entered the fire as slaves of the King, but when they came out of the fiery burning furnace, they became gods to the King. Jesus willingly embraced death on the cross, but when He came out of the fire of death, He shone brightly.

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The Danger of the 11th Commandment

Like David, we take the moral high ground when we hear of others’ faults without realising we are attempting to fight the same demon we possess. When David heard Nathan’s story, he was furious and proclaimed death on the culprit; little did he know that he had just passed judgment on himself.

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Fear Not, God Will Help You

Christmas reminds us that amid everything that frightens us, God is still with us. This is the meaning of the name “Emmanuel.” God knows how difficult it is to live a good life or to speak truth to others. Hence, He came to be with us. When your life is threatened, read today’s first reading and try to feel God holding your right hand and leading you on.

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The Mistakes of the Foolish Virgins

Some Christians hold onto the false doctrine of “once saved, forever saved.” If you think that because you are baptised and confirmed or because you were close to God in the past, you no longer need to make efforts to be good, you are making a serious mistake. Perhaps this was the mistake of the scribes and Pharisees who refused to practice what they preached. Do not relax spiritually. Instead, work out your salvation in fear and trembling. (Cf. Psalm 2:8)

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Do Not Be A Hypocrite

Why is it easy to exercise restraint when others are watching, yet when we are alone (or think no one is watching), we throw caution to the wind? This was the problem of scribes and Pharisees. Jesus told them: “Nothing is hidden that would not be uncovered… even the hairs of your head are all numbered.” Are there things I do in secret that I am ashamed of?

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Fear Not; You are Under the Shepherd’s Hands

You feel paralysed with fear now because you find it hard to imagine a better tomorrow; you still cannot see any light at the end of your tunnel but know this: if Jesus rose from the dead, your trials will end one day.

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Fear Not; God is Never Far From You.

Are you lost at sea, unable to know where to turn? Has life been very harsh to you like it was with Elijah, who found himself fleeing from Jezebel in today’s First Reading? Has your faith in God begun to wane due to the troubles all around you? Today’s message is just for you.

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God will Make a Way

The real impact of slavery is not so much the physical wounds inflicted on people but the psychological destruction it brings within a person. The slave begins to think of himself in such low terms that he craves for and worships his master. This is the stage of surrender! In the presence of his master, he is overcome by fear. This type of fear gripped the Israelites in the presence of Pharaoh. They even asked Moses, “Where there no better tombs in Egypt that you brought us out here to die?”

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Nothing is Difficult when God is Involved.

Like Moses, there are times we become too conscious of the greatness and complexity of our problems that we completely lose sight of the greatness of God. Despite seeing that the bush was burning yet not consumed, Moses still feared Pharaoh. When we pray before God, it is unfortunate that instead of reflecting on God, we reflect on our problems. Instead of contemplating God, we consider our enemies.

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