Even in Chaos, God is Never Far from You

When the devil fights you from outside and cannot bring you down, he tries to fight from within. Nevertheless, as Jesus said to the apostles in today’s Gospel passage, when you face such attacks, “Do not be afraid.”(John 6:20). Even in chaos, God is never far from you.

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No One Can Fight God and Succeed

God allowed the jailers to secure the prison doors because He wanted to prove to them that there was no chain, padlock, piece of metal, wood, bronze or any created object that could lock up the Gospel. Even those who never heard the Gospel heard that the apostles were imprisoned but found in the temple preaching. In other words, throwing the apostles in prison further helped to spread the Gospel.

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Not By Our Power But By the Power of God

Peter prayed in the name of Jesus Christ because he believed in the resurrection. Peter knew that Jesus Christ was fully alive and that Jesus was right there with him. When Peter saw the lame man begging at the beautiful gate, he remembered Jesus healed the sick, raised the dead and freed many of their predicament. Peter knew what Jesus would have done upon seeing the lame man at the beautiful gate.

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Don’t Be a Slave Because of Fear

The Jews were determined to kill Jesus (just as Nebuchadnezzar wanted to kill the boys), not knowing that death was not the end but only the beginning of a greater life. The three Hebrew boys entered the fire as slaves of the King, but when they came out of the fiery burning furnace, they became gods to the King. Jesus willingly embraced death on the cross, but when He came out of the fire of death, He shone brightly.

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It is Done; Go in Peace, the Mass is Ended

The Galileans received miracles not because of their location but because of their deep-seated faith. Jesus said to the woman at the well: “The hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father seeks such as these to worship him.” (John 4:23). It is not about your location. Are you worshipping God in spirit and truth?

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Am I Praying or Heaping Empty Phrases?

Prayer is not a recital. There is nothing wrong with using structured (already-made) prayer. Jesus gave us one in today’s Gospel passage. However, in using a prayer book, our job is not merely to read out the words but to communicate with the words.

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In Moments of Trials, Never Doubt God

Every time you face trials, know you are on the verge of a breakthrough. Something great is coming your way; you only need to pass this test. Trials are like promotion examinations we write before moving higher. St. James says: “Count it all joy when you meet various trials.”

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The Danger of the 11th Commandment

Like David, we take the moral high ground when we hear of others’ faults without realising we are attempting to fight the same demon we possess. When David heard Nathan’s story, he was furious and proclaimed death on the culprit; little did he know that he had just passed judgment on himself.

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Solid Faith Provokes Solid Giving

Giving to God expresses your faith. If your faith is large enough to acknowledge that everything you have comes from God, then like seeds sown in good soil, you would easily consider doing something to appreciate God.

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Prayer: A Covenant Agreement with God

Hannah was willing to give something to God in exchange for what she was asking for. Her prayer was her vow. When we pray, we should not simply concern ourselves with what we are to gain from God; we should also be willing to give back something to God. Even in the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus told us that we should not expect forgiveness of our sins when we refuse to forgive others.

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To Have Faith is to Conquer the World

Rise above the world; do not be conditioned by it. Yes, we all are victims of poverty; we are all struggling to survive harsh conditions, but it doesn’t mean we can be bought. Be that person who would not move even if offered all the money in the world. Let your faith in Jesus go beyond lips service.

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With God, Nothing is Impossible

To shame Goliath, God chose David. To shame those mocking Hannah and Elizabeth, God gave them children. Avoid laughing at others. Avoid labelling people with their condition. Do not write off anybody as good for nothing; you are not God.

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